WeRateDogs Data Wrangling Project


The purpose of this project is practising data wrangling techniques on three separate files.
All wrangled files are related to the twitter account @dog_rates (WeRateDogs).
The project follows the wrangling workflow of gather, assess, clean.

Data Wrangling - Gather

There are three sources of data to gather:

  1. twitter enhanced archive file - csv downloaded from udacity course site
  2. tweet image predictions file - tsv requested from udacity site
  3. tweet details file - json file downloaded from twitter using API
In [1160]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns
import requests
import tweepy
from tweepy import OAuthHandler
import json
from timeit import default_timer as timer
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None) # to display the whole strings and not collapse them
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None) # to not collapse columns when viewing data
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None) # to display all rows in the output

1. twitter enhanced archive file (local file)

In [1161]:
# load csv file
df_archive = pd.read_csv('twitter-archive-enhanced.csv')
tweet_id in_reply_to_status_id in_reply_to_user_id timestamp source text retweeted_status_id retweeted_status_user_id retweeted_status_timestamp expanded_urls rating_numerator rating_denominator name doggo floofer pupper puppo
0 892420643555336193 NaN NaN 2017-08-01 16:23:56 +0000 <a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> This is Phineas. He's a mystical boy. Only ever appears in the hole of a donut. 13/10 https://t.co/MgUWQ76dJU NaN NaN NaN https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/892420643555336193/photo/1 13 10 Phineas None None None None
1 892177421306343426 NaN NaN 2017-08-01 00:17:27 +0000 <a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> This is Tilly. She's just checking pup on you. Hopes you're doing ok. If not, she's available for pats, snugs, boops, the whole bit. 13/10 https://t.co/0Xxu71qeIV NaN NaN NaN https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/892177421306343426/photo/1 13 10 Tilly None None None None

2. tweet image predictions file (url)

In [1162]:
# request tsv file
url = 'https://d17h27t6h515a5.cloudfront.net/topher/2017/August/599fd2ad_image-predictions/image-predictions.tsv'
response = requests.get(url)

# save the file
with open('image_predictions.tsv', mode = 'wb') as file:

# load the tab separated file
df_preds = pd.read_csv('image_predictions.tsv', sep='\t')
tweet_id jpg_url img_num p1 p1_conf p1_dog p2 p2_conf p2_dog p3 p3_conf p3_dog
0 666020888022790149 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CT4udn0WwAA0aMy.jpg 1 Welsh_springer_spaniel 0.465074 True collie 0.156665 True Shetland_sheepdog 0.061428 True
1 666029285002620928 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CT42GRgUYAA5iDo.jpg 1 redbone 0.506826 True miniature_pinscher 0.074192 True Rhodesian_ridgeback 0.072010 True

3. tweet details file (API)

In [ ]:
# Query Twitter API for each tweet in the Twitter archive and save JSON in a text file

# These are hidden to comply with Twitter's API terms and conditions
consumer_key = 'HIDDEN'
consumer_secret = 'HIDDEN'
access_token = 'HIDDEN'
access_secret = 'HIDDEN'

auth = OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_secret)

api = tweepy.API(auth, wait_on_rate_limit=True, wait_on_rate_limit_notify=True)

# Tweet IDs for which to gather additional data via Twitter's API
tweet_ids = df_archive.tweet_id.values
print('Tweets to search for:', len(tweet_ids))

# Query Twitter's API for JSON data for each tweet ID in the Twitter archive
count = 0
success = 0
fails_dict = {}
start = timer()
# Save each tweet's returned JSON as a new line in a .txt file
with open('tweet_json.txt', 'w') as outfile:
    # This loop takes 20-30 minutes to run because of Twitter's rate limit
    for tweet_id in tweet_ids:
        count += 1
        if count % 100 == 0:
            print('#',count, 'processed tweet IDs')
            tweet = api.get_status(tweet_id, tweet_mode='extended')
            success += 1
            json.dump(tweet._json, outfile)
        except tweepy.TweepError as e:
            fails_dict[tweet_id] = e
end = timer()
In [ ]:
print('Time to compose the file:', end - start)
print('Tweets found:', success)
print('Tweet IDs not found:', fails_dict)
In [1163]:
# read the just created tweet_json.txt file line by line to create a pandas DataFrame
# get tweet ID, retweet count, and like count

# a list to be converted to pd df
json_list = []

with open('tweet_json.txt', 'r') as json_file:
    json_row = json_file.readline()
    while json_row:
        json_dict = json.loads(json_row)    
        # each tweet is written in its own dictionary because that's how the file was created
        # we know the column names from visual inspection of the txt file or by reading 
        # https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/tweets/data-dictionary/overview/tweet-object
        tweet_id = json_dict['id']
        retweet_count = json_dict['retweet_count']
        like_count = json_dict['favorite_count']
        # let's also get info about retweets to compare it with df_archive 
        # retweeted_status is only included when the tweet is a retweet:
        retweeted = json_dict.get('retweeted_status', 0)
        if retweeted != 0:
            retweeted = 1
        json_list.append({'tweet_id': tweet_id, 'retweets': retweet_count, 'likes': like_count, 'retweeted': retweeted})
        # new json row, i.e. next tweet
        json_row = json_file.readline()
# convert a list of dictionaries to df        
df_likes = pd.DataFrame(json_list, columns = ['tweet_id', 'retweets', 'likes', 'retweeted'])
tweet_id retweets likes retweeted
0 892420643555336193 8853 39467 0
1 892177421306343426 6514 33819 0

Data Wrangling - Assess

We only want to work with:

1) original tweets

2) tweets with an image of a dog

The end results after assessing and cleaning should be one master file (if that will make sense based on tidiness rules), which includes only the relevant tweets (based on the above definition) and has all the required columns with corrected data in it.

Let's visually and programatically analyze all three data frames separately:

1. twitter enhanced archive (df_archive)

In [1164]:
tweet_id in_reply_to_status_id in_reply_to_user_id timestamp source text retweeted_status_id retweeted_status_user_id retweeted_status_timestamp expanded_urls rating_numerator rating_denominator name doggo floofer pupper puppo
468 817056546584727552 NaN NaN 2017-01-05 17:13:55 +0000 <a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> This is Chloe. She fell asleep at the wheel. Absolute menace on the roadways. Sneaky tongue slip tho. 11/10 https://t.co/r6SLVN2VUH NaN NaN NaN https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/817056546584727552/photo/1 11 10 Chloe None None None None
1978 672984142909456390 NaN NaN 2015-12-05 03:41:37 +0000 <a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> Very happy pup here. Always smiling. Loves his little leaf. Carries it everywhere with him. 9/10 https://t.co/81BCQAyvcs NaN NaN NaN https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/672984142909456390/photo/1 9 10 None None None None None
415 822647212903690241 NaN NaN 2017-01-21 03:29:14 +0000 <a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> RT @dog_rates: This is Paisley. She really wanted to be president this time. Dreams officially crushed. 13/10 https://t.co/liJGwMp17E 8.224891e+17 4.196984e+09 2017-01-20 17:00:46 +0000 https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/822489057087389700/photo/1,https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/822489057087389700/photo/1,https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/822489057087389700/photo/1,https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/822489057087389700/photo/1,https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/822489057087389700/photo/1,https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/822489057087389700/photo/1 13 10 Paisley None None None None
2319 666447344410484738 NaN NaN 2015-11-17 02:46:43 +0000 <a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> This is Scout. She is a black Downton Abbey. Isn't afraid to get dirty. 9/10 nothing bad to say https://t.co/kH60oka1HW NaN NaN NaN https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/666447344410484738/photo/1 9 10 Scout None None None None
268 841439858740625411 NaN NaN 2017-03-14 00:04:30 +0000 <a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> Here we have some incredible doggos for #K9VeteransDay. All brave as h*ck. Salute your dog in solidarity. 14/10 for all https://t.co/SVNMdFqKDL NaN NaN NaN https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/841439858740625411/photo/1,https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/841439858740625411/photo/1,https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/841439858740625411/photo/1,https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/841439858740625411/photo/1 14 10 None None None None None
1470 694001791655137281 NaN NaN 2016-02-01 03:38:15 +0000 <a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> This is Chester. He's a Benefloof Cumberbark. Fabulous ears. Nifty shirt. Was probably on sale. Nice hardwood. 11/10 https://t.co/YoII7tWXMT NaN NaN NaN https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/694001791655137281/photo/1,https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/694001791655137281/photo/1 11 10 Chester None None None None
1827 676430933382295552 NaN NaN 2015-12-14 15:57:56 +0000 <a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> Meet Duke. He's an Urban Parmesan. They know he's scared of the green rubber dog. "Why u do dis?" thinks Duke. 10/10 https://t.co/3bim9U5Idr NaN NaN NaN https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/676430933382295552/photo/1 10 10 Duke None None None None
304 836380477523124226 NaN NaN 2017-02-28 01:00:19 +0000 <a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> This is Ava. She just blasted off. Streamline af. Aerodynamic as h*ck. One small step for pupper, one giant leap for pupkind. 12/10 https://t.co/W4KffrdX3Q NaN NaN NaN https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/836380477523124226/photo/1 12 10 Ava None None pupper None
1731 679844490799091713 NaN NaN 2015-12-24 02:02:12 +0000 <a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> This is Willie. He's floating away and needs your assistance. Please someone help Willie. 10/10 https://t.co/MJqygWqt8X NaN NaN NaN https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/679844490799091713/photo/1 10 10 Willie None None None None
311 835297930240217089 NaN NaN 2017-02-25 01:18:40 +0000 <a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> Meet Ash. He's a Benebop Cumberplop. Quite rare. Fairly portable. Lil sandy tho. Clearly knows something you don't. 12/10 would hug softly https://t.co/1U0z6r5LSO NaN NaN NaN https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/835297930240217089/photo/1 12 10 Ash None None None None
In [1165]:
# in_reply and retweeted columns have nulls for all tweets that were not a reply or a retweet
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 2356 entries, 0 to 2355
Data columns (total 17 columns):
 #   Column                      Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------                      --------------  -----  
 0   tweet_id                    2356 non-null   int64  
 1   in_reply_to_status_id       78 non-null     float64
 2   in_reply_to_user_id         78 non-null     float64
 3   timestamp                   2356 non-null   object 
 4   source                      2356 non-null   object 
 5   text                        2356 non-null   object 
 6   retweeted_status_id         181 non-null    float64
 7   retweeted_status_user_id    181 non-null    float64
 8   retweeted_status_timestamp  181 non-null    object 
 9   expanded_urls               2297 non-null   object 
 10  rating_numerator            2356 non-null   int64  
 11  rating_denominator          2356 non-null   int64  
 12  name                        2356 non-null   object 
 13  doggo                       2356 non-null   object 
 14  floofer                     2356 non-null   object 
 15  pupper                      2356 non-null   object 
 16  puppo                       2356 non-null   object 
dtypes: float64(4), int64(3), object(10)
memory usage: 313.0+ KB
In [1166]:
tweet_id in_reply_to_status_id in_reply_to_user_id retweeted_status_id retweeted_status_user_id rating_numerator rating_denominator
count 2.356000e+03 7.800000e+01 7.800000e+01 1.810000e+02 1.810000e+02 2356.000000 2356.000000
mean 7.427716e+17 7.455079e+17 2.014171e+16 7.720400e+17 1.241698e+16 13.126486 10.455433
std 6.856705e+16 7.582492e+16 1.252797e+17 6.236928e+16 9.599254e+16 45.876648 6.745237
min 6.660209e+17 6.658147e+17 1.185634e+07 6.661041e+17 7.832140e+05 0.000000 0.000000
25% 6.783989e+17 6.757419e+17 3.086374e+08 7.186315e+17 4.196984e+09 10.000000 10.000000
50% 7.196279e+17 7.038708e+17 4.196984e+09 7.804657e+17 4.196984e+09 11.000000 10.000000
75% 7.993373e+17 8.257804e+17 4.196984e+09 8.203146e+17 4.196984e+09 12.000000 10.000000
max 8.924206e+17 8.862664e+17 8.405479e+17 8.874740e+17 7.874618e+17 1776.000000 170.000000
In [1167]:
# there are some extreme values, some of which are wrong based on the text
10     2333
11        3
50        3
80        2
20        2
2         1
16        1
40        1
70        1
15        1
90        1
110       1
120       1
130       1
150       1
170       1
7         1
0         1
Name: rating_denominator, dtype: int64
In [1168]:
df_archive.query('rating_denominator == 2').text
2335    This is an Albanian 3 1/2 legged  Episcopalian. Loves well-polished hardwood flooring. Penis on the collar. 9/10 https://t.co/d9NcXFKwLv
Name: text, dtype: object
In [1169]:
# there are some extreme values, some of which are wrong based on the text
12      558
11      464
10      461
13      351
9       158
8       102
7        55
14       54
5        37
6        32
3        19
4        17
1         9
2         9
420       2
0         2
15        2
75        2
80        1
20        1
24        1
26        1
44        1
50        1
60        1
165       1
84        1
88        1
144       1
182       1
143       1
666       1
960       1
1776      1
17        1
27        1
45        1
99        1
121       1
204       1
Name: rating_numerator, dtype: int64
In [1170]:
df_archive.query('rating_numerator == 960').text
313    @jonnysun @Lin_Manuel ok jomny I know you're excited but 960/00 isn't a valid rating, 13/10 is tho
Name: text, dtype: object
In [1171]:
# decimal rating numerator: the actual rating is 13.5/10, but 5/10 is extracted
# df_archive.iloc[45] ... the below code has a more leggible output
tweet_id in_reply_to_status_id in_reply_to_user_id timestamp source text retweeted_status_id retweeted_status_user_id retweeted_status_timestamp expanded_urls rating_numerator rating_denominator name doggo floofer pupper puppo
45 883482846933004288 NaN NaN 2017-07-08 00:28:19 +0000 <a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> This is Bella. She hopes her smile made you smile. If not, she is also offering you her favorite monkey. 13.5/10 https://t.co/qjrljjt948 NaN NaN NaN https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/883482846933004288/photo/1,https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/883482846933004288/photo/1 5 10 Bella None None None None
In [1172]:
# some names are clearly not correctly extracted
None       745
a           55
Charlie     12
Cooper      11
Oliver      11
Lucy        11
Lola        10
Penny       10
Tucker      10
Winston      9
Bo           9
Sadie        8
the          8
Bailey       7
Toby         7
an           7
Daisy        7
Buddy        7
Koda         6
Bella        6
Name: name, dtype: int64
In [1173]:
# stages check
df_archive.query('doggo == "doggo"').sample(5)
tweet_id in_reply_to_status_id in_reply_to_user_id timestamp source text retweeted_status_id retweeted_status_user_id retweeted_status_timestamp expanded_urls rating_numerator rating_denominator name doggo floofer pupper puppo
426 821407182352777218 NaN NaN 2017-01-17 17:21:47 +0000 <a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> This is Sundance. He's a doggo drummer. Even sings a bit on the side. 14/10 entertained af (vid by @sweetsundance) https://t.co/Xn5AQtiqzG NaN NaN NaN https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/821407182352777218/video/1 14 10 Sundance doggo None None None
989 748932637671223296 NaN NaN 2016-07-01 17:33:49 +0000 <a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> Say hello to Divine Doggo. Must be magical af. 13/10 would be an honor to pet https://t.co/BbcABzohKb NaN NaN NaN https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/748932637671223296/photo/1 13 10 Divine doggo None None None
339 832273440279240704 NaN NaN 2017-02-16 17:00:25 +0000 <a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> Say hello to Smiley. He's a blind therapy doggo having a h*ckin blast high steppin around in the snow. 14/10 would follow anywhere https://t.co/SHAb1wHjMz NaN NaN NaN https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/832273440279240704/video/1 14 10 Smiley doggo None None None
351 831322785565769729 NaN NaN 2017-02-14 02:02:51 +0000 <a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> This is Pete. He has no eyes. Needs a guide doggo. Also appears to be considerably fluffy af. 12/10 would hug softly https://t.co/Xc0gyovCtK NaN NaN NaN https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/831322785565769729/photo/1 12 10 Pete doggo None None None
389 826476773533745153 NaN NaN 2017-01-31 17:06:32 +0000 <a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> This is Pilot. He has mastered the synchronized head tilt and sneaky tongue slip. Usually not unlocked until later doggo days. 12/10 https://t.co/YIV8sw8xkh NaN NaN NaN https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/826476773533745153/photo/1 12 10 Pilot doggo None None None
In [1286]:
# expanded url indicates tweets with a photo and there are some missing values, i.e. not all tweets have pictures
2066                                                                                                                                                                                                    https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/671147085991960577/photo/1
1579                                                                                                                                                                                                    https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/687312378585812992/photo/1
1478                                                                                                                                                                                                    https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/693590843962331137/photo/1
1856                                                                                                                                                                                                    https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/675522403582218240/photo/1
392                                                                                                                                                                                                     https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/826115272272650244/photo/1
341     https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/793286476301799424/photo/1,https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/793286476301799424/photo/1,https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/793286476301799424/photo/1,https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/793286476301799424/photo/1
720                                                                                                                                     https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/674291837063053312/photo/1,https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/674291837063053312/photo/1
1692                                                                                                                                                                                                    https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/681302363064414209/photo/1
653                                                                                                                                     https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/792050063153438720/photo/1,https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/792050063153438720/photo/1
1930                                                                                                                                                                                                    https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/674038233588723717/photo/1
Name: expanded_urls, dtype: object
In [1175]:
In [1176]:

df_archive issues



  • we should exclude REtweets (those with non-empty values in retweeted columns)
  • we should exclude tweets without images (those with missing expanded_urls)


  • ratings of more than 10/10 are acceptable, but there are some really extreme or decimal values of rating_numerator, which are wrongly extracted based on the text
  • ratings can have various bases, but some rating_denominator values are inaccurate based on the text
  • some names and stages have incorrect values


  • incorrect data types - timestamps should be datetime, rating columns should be floats to allow for decimals


  • columns doggo, floofer, pupper, puppo are actually values of a single column dog_stage
  • rating would make more sense in its own column combining the numerator and denominator columns

2. tweet image predictions (df_preds)

In [1177]:
tweet_id jpg_url img_num p1 p1_conf p1_dog p2 p2_conf p2_dog p3 p3_conf p3_dog
601 679777920601223168 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CW8OYajUMAAPRoF.jpg 1 bloodhound 0.528819 True bull_mastiff 0.420119 True French_bulldog 0.009481 True
1180 738166403467907072 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cj5-aUQUgAAb43p.jpg 2 keeshond 0.878886 True Norwegian_elkhound 0.086659 True malamute 0.021280 True
31 666421158376562688 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CT-aggCXAAIMfT3.jpg 1 Blenheim_spaniel 0.906777 True cocker_spaniel 0.090346 True Shih-Tzu 0.001117 True
1393 767191397493538821 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CqWcgcqWcAI43jm.jpg 1 patio 0.708665 False boathouse 0.110056 False pier 0.039532 False
93 667549055577362432 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CUOcVCwWsAERUKY.jpg 1 electric_fan 0.984377 False spotlight 0.007737 False lampshade 0.001901 False
1197 740676976021798912 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ckdpx5KWsAANF6b.jpg 1 wombat 0.462952 False Norwegian_elkhound 0.275225 True Siamese_cat 0.043559 False
831 693642232151285760 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CaBP7i9W0AAJrIs.jpg 1 Scottish_deerhound 0.111893 True bluetick 0.074302 True German_short-haired_pointer 0.067000 True
296 671362598324076544 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVEouDRXAAEe8mt.jpg 1 tub 0.393616 False bathtub 0.383522 False swimming_trunks 0.077301 False
490 675531475945709568 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CV_4ShmUYAA3wNu.jpg 1 Pembroke 0.918441 True Cardigan 0.027339 True Siberian_husky 0.020221 True
348 672481316919734272 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVUiMUeW4AEQgkU.jpg 1 Border_collie 0.599454 True collie 0.106227 True Shetland_sheepdog 0.094465 True
854 696488710901260288 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CapsyfkWcAQ41uC.jpg 1 briard 0.369063 True Scotch_terrier 0.168204 True giant_schnauzer 0.120553 True
1842 838476387338051585 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C6Ld0wYWgAQQqMC.jpg 3 Great_Pyrenees 0.997692 True kuvasz 0.001001 True Newfoundland 0.000405 True
1196 740373189193256964 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CkZVdJ6WYAAXZ5A.jpg 3 golden_retriever 0.807644 True kuvasz 0.101286 True Labrador_retriever 0.023785 True
1015 709852847387627521 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CdnnZhhWAAEAoUc.jpg 2 Chihuahua 0.945629 True Pomeranian 0.019204 True West_Highland_white_terrier 0.010134 True
1805 832273440279240704 https://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/832273373149413377/pu/img/qOqxM0b48fEarmq6.jpg 1 Pembroke 0.134081 True ice_bear 0.051928 False pug 0.044311 True
In [1178]:
# no non-nulls
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 2075 entries, 0 to 2074
Data columns (total 12 columns):
 #   Column    Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------    --------------  -----  
 0   tweet_id  2075 non-null   int64  
 1   jpg_url   2075 non-null   object 
 2   img_num   2075 non-null   int64  
 3   p1        2075 non-null   object 
 4   p1_conf   2075 non-null   float64
 5   p1_dog    2075 non-null   bool   
 6   p2        2075 non-null   object 
 7   p2_conf   2075 non-null   float64
 8   p2_dog    2075 non-null   bool   
 9   p3        2075 non-null   object 
 10  p3_conf   2075 non-null   float64
 11  p3_dog    2075 non-null   bool   
dtypes: bool(3), float64(3), int64(2), object(4)
memory usage: 152.1+ KB
In [1179]:
# probability values are valid
tweet_id img_num p1_conf p2_conf p3_conf
count 2.075000e+03 2075.000000 2075.000000 2.075000e+03 2.075000e+03
mean 7.384514e+17 1.203855 0.594548 1.345886e-01 6.032417e-02
std 6.785203e+16 0.561875 0.271174 1.006657e-01 5.090593e-02
min 6.660209e+17 1.000000 0.044333 1.011300e-08 1.740170e-10
25% 6.764835e+17 1.000000 0.364412 5.388625e-02 1.622240e-02
50% 7.119988e+17 1.000000 0.588230 1.181810e-01 4.944380e-02
75% 7.932034e+17 1.000000 0.843855 1.955655e-01 9.180755e-02
max 8.924206e+17 4.000000 1.000000 4.880140e-01 2.734190e-01
In [1180]:
# 26% are not predictions of dogs (in p1)
1 - df_preds.p1_dog.mean()
In [1181]:
# some dog names start with a lower case, some with an uppercase letter
golden_retriever             150
Labrador_retriever           100
Pembroke                      89
Chihuahua                     83
pug                           57
chow                          44
Samoyed                       43
toy_poodle                    39
Pomeranian                    38
malamute                      30
cocker_spaniel                30
French_bulldog                26
miniature_pinscher            23
Chesapeake_Bay_retriever      23
seat_belt                     22
Siberian_husky                20
German_shepherd               20
Staffordshire_bullterrier     20
web_site                      19
Cardigan                      19
Name: p1, dtype: int64
In [1182]:

df_preds issues

Quality - Validity

  • we only want ratings of dogs, i.e. where px_dog is True

Quality - Consistency

  • some dog names start with an uppercase, some with a lowercase letter


  • the columns relevant for analysis can be merged with the main df_archive file, they do not have to be in a separate table
  • some columns will not be interesting for the analysis and can be deleted

3. tweet details (df_likes)

In [1183]:
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 2354 entries, 0 to 2353
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column     Non-Null Count  Dtype
---  ------     --------------  -----
 0   tweet_id   2354 non-null   int64
 1   retweets   2354 non-null   int64
 2   likes      2354 non-null   int64
 3   retweeted  2354 non-null   int64
dtypes: int64(4)
memory usage: 73.7 KB

df_likes issues


  • information should be included in the main archive table, there is no reason to have it in a separate data frame

Issues identified for cleaning

Visual and programmatic inspection revealed the following issues:



  • -


  • df_archive: we should exclude REtweets
  • df_archive: we should exclude tweets without images
  • df_preds: we only want ratings of dogs, i.e. where px_dog is True


  • df_archive: ratings of more than 10/10 are acceptable, but there are some really extreme or decimal values of rating_numerator, which are wrongly extracted based on the text
  • df_archive: ratings can have various bases, but some rating_denominator values are inaccurate based on the text
  • df_archive: some names and stages have incorrect values


  • df_archive: incorrect data types - timestamp should be datetime, rating columns should be floats to allow for decimals
  • df_preds: some dog names start with an uppercase, some with a lowercase letter


  • df_archive: columns doggo, floofer, pupper, puppo are actually values of a single column dog_stage
  • df_archive: rating would make more sense in its own column combining the numerator and denominator columns
  • df_preds: the columns relevant for analysis can be merged with the main df_archive file, they do not have to be in a separate table
  • df_preds: some columns will not be interesting for the analysis and can be deleted
  • df_likes: information should be included in the main archive table, there is no reason to have it in a separate data frame

Data Wrangling - Clean

The cleaning part will be done in define-code-test chunks in order which I deem as logical given the data structure and the goal.

In [1184]:
# safe copies of all files
df_archive_clean = df_archive.copy()
df_preds_clean = df_preds.copy()
df_likes_clean = df_likes.copy()

Define #1

  • merge all three data frames into one

Code #1

In [1185]:
# merging into one file
df_clean = pd.merge(df_archive_clean, df_preds_clean, on='tweet_id', how='left')
df_clean = pd.merge(df_clean, df_likes_clean, on='tweet_id', how='left')

Test #1

In [1186]:
tweet_id in_reply_to_status_id in_reply_to_user_id timestamp source text retweeted_status_id retweeted_status_user_id retweeted_status_timestamp expanded_urls rating_numerator rating_denominator name doggo floofer pupper puppo jpg_url img_num p1 p1_conf p1_dog p2 p2_conf p2_dog p3 p3_conf p3_dog retweets likes retweeted
2034 671743150407421952 NaN NaN 2015-12-01 17:30:22 +0000 <a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> This is a Tuscaloosa Alcatraz named Jacob (Yacōb). Loves to sit in swing. Stellar tongue. 11/10 look at his feet https://t.co/2IslQ8ZSc7 NaN NaN NaN https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/671743150407421952/photo/1 11 10 a None None None None https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVKC1IfWIAAsQks.jpg 1.0 toy_poodle 0.419427 True miniature_poodle 0.237067 True swing 0.104193 False 248.0 779.0 0.0
1274 709198395643068416 NaN NaN 2016-03-14 02:04:08 +0000 <a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> From left to right:\nCletus, Jerome, Alejandro, Burp, &amp; Titson\nNone know where camera is. 45/50 would hug all at once https://t.co/sedre1ivTK NaN NaN NaN https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/709198395643068416/photo/1 45 50 None None None None None https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CdeUKpcWoAAJAWJ.jpg 1.0 borzoi 0.490783 True wire-haired_fox_terrier 0.083513 True English_setter 0.083184 True 721.0 2634.0 0.0
In [1187]:
# data types will need to be adjusted, but let's leave it for later when we eliminate some of the columns
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 2356 entries, 0 to 2355
Data columns (total 31 columns):
 #   Column                      Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------                      --------------  -----  
 0   tweet_id                    2356 non-null   int64  
 1   in_reply_to_status_id       78 non-null     float64
 2   in_reply_to_user_id         78 non-null     float64
 3   timestamp                   2356 non-null   object 
 4   source                      2356 non-null   object 
 5   text                        2356 non-null   object 
 6   retweeted_status_id         181 non-null    float64
 7   retweeted_status_user_id    181 non-null    float64
 8   retweeted_status_timestamp  181 non-null    object 
 9   expanded_urls               2297 non-null   object 
 10  rating_numerator            2356 non-null   int64  
 11  rating_denominator          2356 non-null   int64  
 12  name                        2356 non-null   object 
 13  doggo                       2356 non-null   object 
 14  floofer                     2356 non-null   object 
 15  pupper                      2356 non-null   object 
 16  puppo                       2356 non-null   object 
 17  jpg_url                     2075 non-null   object 
 18  img_num                     2075 non-null   float64
 19  p1                          2075 non-null   object 
 20  p1_conf                     2075 non-null   float64
 21  p1_dog                      2075 non-null   object 
 22  p2                          2075 non-null   object 
 23  p2_conf                     2075 non-null   float64
 24  p2_dog                      2075 non-null   object 
 25  p3                          2075 non-null   object 
 26  p3_conf                     2075 non-null   float64
 27  p3_dog                      2075 non-null   object 
 28  retweets                    2354 non-null   float64
 29  likes                       2354 non-null   float64
 30  retweeted                   2354 non-null   float64
dtypes: float64(11), int64(3), object(17)
memory usage: 589.0+ KB

Define #2

  • drop tweets that are retweets
    • retweets: tweets for which df_archive.retweeted_status_id not null, which should be the same tweets as df_likes.retweeted == 1 if the information in the archive is correct
  • drop related columns which will not be needed for the analysis

Code #2

In [1188]:
0.0    2175
1.0     179
Name: retweeted, dtype: int64
In [1189]:
# all retweeted == 1 are also retweeted_status_id non null
df_clean[(df_clean['retweeted'] == 1) & (df_clean['retweeted_status_id'].isnull()==False)].shape
(179, 31)
In [1190]:
# delete 179 retweeted tweet rows and test
df_clean.drop(df_clean[df_clean['retweeted'] == 1].index, inplace=True)
0.0    2175
Name: retweeted, dtype: int64
In [1191]:
True     2175
False       2
Name: retweeted_status_id, dtype: int64
In [1192]:
# 2 remaining rows are retweets, but these were not included in df_likes (i.e. these tweet_ids were not processed with API)
tweet_id in_reply_to_status_id in_reply_to_user_id timestamp source text retweeted_status_id retweeted_status_user_id retweeted_status_timestamp expanded_urls rating_numerator rating_denominator name doggo floofer pupper puppo jpg_url img_num p1 p1_conf p1_dog p2 p2_conf p2_dog p3 p3_conf p3_dog retweets likes retweeted
19 888202515573088257 NaN NaN 2017-07-21 01:02:36 +0000 <a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> RT @dog_rates: This is Canela. She attempted some fancy porch pics. They were unsuccessful. 13/10 someone help her https://t.co/cLyzpcUcMX 8.874740e+17 4.196984e+09 2017-07-19 00:47:34 +0000 https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/887473957103951883/photo/1,https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/887473957103951883/photo/1,https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/887473957103951883/photo/1,https://twitter.com/dog_rates/status/887473957103951883/photo/1 13 10 Canela None None None None https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DFDw2tyUQAAAFke.jpg 2.0 Pembroke 0.809197 True Rhodesian_ridgeback 0.054950 True beagle 0.038915 True NaN NaN NaN
815 771004394259247104 NaN NaN 2016-08-31 15:19:06 +0000 <a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> RT @katieornah: @dog_rates learning a lot at college 12/10 for my professor thank u for the pupper slides https://t.co/nTFDr99hg0 7.710021e+17 1.732729e+09 2016-08-31 15:10:07 +0000 https://twitter.com/katieornah/status/771002130450743296/photo/1,https://twitter.com/katieornah/status/771002130450743296/photo/1 12 10 None None None pupper None https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CrMmVqyWcAIDCHI.jpg 1.0 home_theater 0.414338 False iPod 0.052741 False pop_bottle 0.048821 False NaN NaN NaN

Test #2

In [1193]:
True     2175
False       2
Name: retweeted_status_id, dtype: int64
In [1194]:
# these should be deleted, too
df_clean.drop(df_clean[df_clean['retweeted_status_id'].isnull()==False].index, inplace=True)

# we eliminated all retweets and will not need related columns anymore
df_clean.drop(['retweeted', 'retweeted_status_id', 'retweeted_status_user_id', 'retweeted_status_timestamp'], axis=1, inplace=True)
In [1195]:

Define #3

  • drop tweets that do not have an image
    • tweets with df_archive.expanded_urls null, which should be tweets with df_preds.jpg_url null
  • drop related columns which will not be needed for the analysis

Code #3

In [1196]:
# 58 rows have no picture information, let's delete them
df_clean[(df_clean['expanded_urls'].isnull()==True) & (df_clean['jpg_url'].isnull()==True)].shape
(58, 27)
In [1197]:
df_clean.drop(df_clean[(df_clean['expanded_urls'].isnull()==True) & (df_clean['jpg_url'].isnull()==True)].index, inplace=True)
(2117, 27)
In [1198]:
# test for no remaining missing images
False    2117
Name: expanded_urls, dtype: int64
In [1199]:
# there are still 123 missing jpg_urls, which is because these tweets were not included in the predictions file
False    1994
True      123
Name: jpg_url, dtype: int64
In [1200]:
# upon visual inspection, these tweets are not tweets with an image after all because there is no 'photo' string 
# included in the expanded_urls
tweet_id in_reply_to_status_id in_reply_to_user_id timestamp source text expanded_urls rating_numerator rating_denominator name doggo floofer pupper puppo jpg_url img_num p1 p1_conf p1_dog p2 p2_conf p2_dog p3 p3_conf p3_dog retweets likes
1791 677335745548390400 NaN NaN 2015-12-17 03:53:20 +0000 <a href="http://vine.co" rel="nofollow">Vine - Make a Scene</a> Downright inspiring 12/10 https://t.co/vSLtYBWHcQ https://vine.co/v/hbLbH77Ar67 12 10 None None None None None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 2017.0 3328.0
1534 689993469801164801 NaN NaN 2016-01-21 02:10:37 +0000 <a href="http://vine.co" rel="nofollow">Vine - Make a Scene</a> Here we are witnessing a rare High Stepping Alaskan Floofer. 12/10 dangerously petable (vid by @TheMrsNux) https://t.co/K4s9IJh2jm https://vine.co/v/ienexVMZgi5 12 10 None None floofer None None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 518.0 1618.0
551 804475857670639616 NaN NaN 2016-12-02 00:02:45 +0000 <a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> HE'S TRYING TO BE HIS OWN PERSON LET HIM GO 13/10\nhttps://t.co/LEZ8jR5txd https://twitter.com/bvuepd/status/804417859124273152 13 10 None None None None None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 2355.0 6886.0
1466 694342028726001664 NaN NaN 2016-02-02 02:10:14 +0000 <a href="http://vine.co" rel="nofollow">Vine - Make a Scene</a> It's okay pup. This happens every time I listen to @adele also. 11/10 (vid by @_larirutschmann) https://t.co/oCImpQuoRb https://vine.co/v/iJWKejYdLlh 11 10 None None None None None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 557.0 1727.0
1376 701805642395348998 NaN NaN 2016-02-22 16:27:58 +0000 <a href="http://vine.co" rel="nofollow">Vine - Make a Scene</a> Please pray for this pupper. Nothing wrong with her she just can't stop getting hit with banana peels. 11/10 https://t.co/8sdVenUAqr https://vine.co/v/ivV6Y37mH5Z 11 10 None None None pupper None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1900.0 3752.0
1818 676593408224403456 NaN NaN 2015-12-15 02:43:33 +0000 <a href="http://vine.co" rel="nofollow">Vine - Make a Scene</a> This pupper loves leaves. 11/10 for committed leaf lover https://t.co/APvLqbEhkF https://vine.co/v/eEQQaPFbgOY 11 10 None None None pupper None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 2410.0 4954.0
1278 708853462201716736 NaN NaN 2016-03-13 03:13:29 +0000 <a href="http://vine.co" rel="nofollow">Vine - Make a Scene</a> This is Lucy. She doesn't understand fetch. 8/10 try turning off and back on (vid by @rileyyoungblood) https://t.co/RXjEwpVJf0 https://vine.co/v/iHl2UDEBZ95 8 10 Lucy None None None None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 745.0 1941.0
1461 694925794720792577 NaN NaN 2016-02-03 16:49:55 +0000 <a href="http://vine.co" rel="nofollow">Vine - Make a Scene</a> Please only send in dogs. This t-rex is very scary. 5/10 ...might still pet (vid by @helizabethmicha) https://t.co/Vn6w5w8TO2 https://vine.co/v/iJvUqWQ166L 5 10 None None None None None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1043.0 2965.0
1834 676121918416756736 NaN NaN 2015-12-13 19:30:01 +0000 <a href="http://vine.co" rel="nofollow">Vine - Make a Scene</a> Here we are witnessing a very excited dog. Clearly has no control over neck movements. 8/10 would still pet https://t.co/ICNIjSkrXs https://vine.co/v/iZXg7VpeDAv 8 10 None None None None None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1297.0 2335.0
1022 746542875601690625 NaN NaN 2016-06-25 03:17:46 +0000 <a href="http://vine.co" rel="nofollow">Vine - Make a Scene</a> Here's a golden floofer helping with the groceries. Bed got in way. Still 11/10 helpful af (vid by @categoen) https://t.co/6ZRoZUWFmd https://vine.co/v/5uZYwqmuDeT 11 10 None None floofer None None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 2104.0 5520.0
In [1201]:
# these should be deleted, too
df_clean.drop(df_clean[df_clean['jpg_url'].isnull()==True].index, inplace=True)

Test #3

In [1202]:
False    1994
Name: jpg_url, dtype: int64
In [1203]:
# drop one of the columns because it will no longer be needed
df_clean.drop(['expanded_urls'], axis=1, inplace=True)
In [1204]:

Define #4

  • finding tweets where the predicted animal is a dog
    • this is a subjective decision, but I would just exclude those that were not predicted as dogs in the strongest prediction, i.e. where df_preds.p1_dog == False

Code #4

In [1205]:
# so I will keep in True-False-False and True-True-False predictions
df_clean.groupby(['p1_dog', 'p2_dog', 'p3_dog']).count()['tweet_id']
p1_dog  p2_dog  p3_dog
False   False   False      308
                True        62
        True    False       52
                True        95
True    False   False       43
                True        86
        True    False      145
                True      1203
Name: tweet_id, dtype: int64
In [1206]:
df_clean.drop(df_clean[df_clean['p1_dog']==False].index, inplace=True)

Test #4

In [1207]:
df_clean.groupby(['p1_dog', 'p2_dog', 'p3_dog']).count()['tweet_id']
p1_dog  p2_dog  p3_dog
True    False   False       43
                True        86
        True    False      145
                True      1203
Name: tweet_id, dtype: int64
In [1208]:
# we can delete some more information from df_clean coming initially from df_preds: 
# img_num, p1_dog, p2_dog, p3_dog, p2_conf, p3_conf
df_clean.drop(['img_num', 'p1_dog', 'p2_dog', 'p3_dog', 'p2_conf', 'p3_conf'], axis=1, inplace=True)
In [1209]:
# df now has fewer observations and columns after identifying retweets and tweets without images and then eliminating 
# these columns and other columns, which will not be interesting for further analysis
(1477, 20)
In [1210]:

Define #5

  • solve the tidiness issue of dog stage columns:
    • doggo, floofer, pupper and puppo should all be included in one column dog_stage as values

Code #5

In [1211]:
df_clean['dog_stage'] = ''

def find_dog_stage(row):
    dog_stage = []
    if row['doggo'] == 'doggo':
    if row['floofer'] == 'floofer':
    if row['pupper'] == 'pupper':
    if row['puppo'] == 'puppo':
    if len(dog_stage) < 1:
        row['dog_stage'] = 'None'
        # update the row (multiple stages per row are allowed by the if construction)
        row['dog_stage'] = ','.join(dog_stage)
    # return updated column
    return row

# apply to all rows
df_clean = df_clean.apply(find_dog_stage, axis=1)

# drop redundant columns
df_clean = df_clean.drop(['doggo', 'floofer', 'pupper', 'puppo'], axis=1)

Test #5

In [1212]:
# there are 10 dogs that have more than one stage defined, let's clean these manually
None             1249
doggo              48
doggo,floofer       1
doggo,pupper        8
doggo,puppo         1
floofer             7
pupper            144
puppo              19
Name: tweet_id, dtype: int64

Define #6

  • clean dog_stage column with double stages

Code #6

In [1213]:
# should be floofer
df_clean[df_clean['dog_stage']=='doggo,floofer'][['tweet_id', 'text', 'dog_stage']]
tweet_id text dog_stage
200 854010172552949760 At first I thought this was a shy doggo, but it's actually a Rare Canadian Floofer Owl. Amateurs would confuse the two. 11/10 only send dogs https://t.co/TXdT3tmuYk doggo,floofer
In [1214]:
# puppo
df_clean[df_clean['dog_stage']=='doggo,puppo'][['tweet_id', 'text', 'dog_stage']]
tweet_id text dog_stage
191 855851453814013952 Here's a puppo participating in the #ScienceMarch. Cleverly disguising her own doggo agenda. 13/10 would keep the planet habitable for https://t.co/cMhq16isel doggo,puppo
In [1215]:
# there seem to be actually two dogs on these pictures
# but for the simplicity, let's make them all a doggo
df_clean[df_clean['dog_stage']=='doggo,pupper'][['tweet_id', 'text', 'dog_stage']]
tweet_id text dog_stage
460 817777686764523521 This is Dido. She's playing the lead role in "Pupper Stops to Catch Snow Before Resuming Shadow Box with Dried Apple." 13/10 (IG: didodoggo) https://t.co/m7isZrOBX7 doggo,pupper
531 808106460588765185 Here we have Burke (pupper) and Dexter (doggo). Pupper wants to be exactly like doggo. Both 12/10 would pet at same time https://t.co/ANBpEYHaho doggo,pupper
565 802265048156610565 Like doggo, like pupper version 2. Both 11/10 https://t.co/9IxWAXFqze doggo,pupper
575 801115127852503040 This is Bones. He's being haunted by another doggo of roughly the same size. 12/10 deep breaths pupper everything's fine https://t.co/55Dqe0SJNj doggo,pupper
889 759793422261743616 Meet Maggie &amp; Lila. Maggie is the doggo, Lila is the pupper. They are sisters. Both 12/10 would pet at the same time https://t.co/MYwR4DQKll doggo,pupper
956 751583847268179968 Please stop sending it pictures that don't even have a doggo or pupper in them. Churlish af. 5/10 neat couch tho https://t.co/u2c9c7qSg8 doggo,pupper
1063 741067306818797568 This is just downright precious af. 12/10 for both pupper and doggo https://t.co/o5J479bZUC doggo,pupper
1113 733109485275860992 Like father (doggo), like son (pupper). Both 12/10 https://t.co/pG2inLaOda doggo,pupper
In [1216]:
df_clean['dog_stage'].replace({'doggo,floofer': 'floofer', 'doggo,puppo': 'puppo', 'doggo,pupper': 'doggo'}, inplace=True)

Test #6

In [1217]:
None       1249
doggo        56
floofer       8
pupper      144
puppo        20
Name: tweet_id, dtype: int64

Define #7

  • clean rating_numerator and rating_denominator columns (inaccurate values)

Code #7

In [1218]:
# change data types first to allow storing all correct numbers including decimals
df_clean['rating_numerator'] = df_clean['rating_numerator'].astype(float)
df_clean['rating_denominator'] = df_clean['rating_denominator'].astype(float)
In [1219]:
# to not display warnings when looking at refex results and not extracting them
import warnings
In [1220]:
# find decimal numerator (where denominator could be decimal, too) - there are 4 cases
df_clean[df_clean.text.str.contains(r"(\d+\.\d+\/\d+\.?\d*)")][['tweet_id', 'text', 'rating_numerator']]
tweet_id text rating_numerator
45 883482846933004288 This is Bella. She hopes her smile made you smile. If not, she is also offering you her favorite monkey. 13.5/10 https://t.co/qjrljjt948 5.0
695 786709082849828864 This is Logan, the Chow who lived. He solemnly swears he's up to lots of good. H*ckin magical af 9.75/10 https://t.co/yBO5wuqaPS 75.0
763 778027034220126208 This is Sophie. She's a Jubilant Bush Pupper. Super h*ckin rare. Appears at random just to smile at the locals. 11.27/10 would smile back https://t.co/QFaUiIHxHq 27.0
1712 680494726643068929 Here we have uncovered an entire battalion of holiday puppers. Average of 11.26/10 https://t.co/eNm2S6p9BD 26.0
In [1221]:
# these can be cleaned manually
df_clean.loc[df_clean['tweet_id'] == 883482846933004288, ['rating_numerator']] = 13.5
df_clean.loc[df_clean['tweet_id'] == 786709082849828864, ['rating_numerator']] = 9.75
df_clean.loc[df_clean['tweet_id'] == 778027034220126208, ['rating_numerator']] = 11.27
df_clean.loc[df_clean['tweet_id'] == 680494726643068929, ['rating_numerator']] = 11.26
In [1222]:
# find decimal denominators - there are not any
# (we already know that these will not have a decimanl numerator, because we found all these cases above)
df_clean[df_clean.text.str.contains(r"(\d+\/\d+\.\d+)")][['tweet_id', 'text', 'rating_numerator', 'rating_denominator']]
tweet_id text rating_numerator rating_denominator
In [ ]:
In [1223]:
# check if any tweet has more than one "numeric/numeric" pattern in its text
df_clean[df_clean.text.str.contains( r"(\d+\.?\d*\/\d+\.?\d*\D+\d+\.?\d*\/\d+\.?\d*)")][['tweet_id', 'text', 'rating_numerator', 'rating_denominator']]
tweet_id text rating_numerator rating_denominator
766 777684233540206592 "Yep... just as I suspected. You're not flossing." 12/10 and 11/10 for the pup not flossing https://t.co/SuXcI9B7pQ 12.0 10.0
1007 747600769478692864 This is Bookstore and Seaweed. Bookstore is tired and Seaweed is an asshole. 10/10 and 7/10 respectively https://t.co/eUGjGjjFVJ 10.0 10.0
1068 740373189193256964 After so many requests, this is Bretagne. She was the last surviving 9/11 search dog, and our second ever 14/10. RIP https://t.co/XAVDNDaVgQ 9.0 11.0
1165 722974582966214656 Happy 4/20 from the squad! 13/10 for all https://t.co/eV1diwds8a 4.0 20.0
1202 716439118184652801 This is Bluebert. He just saw that both #FinalFur match ups are split 50/50. Amazed af. 11/10 https://t.co/Kky1DPG4iq 50.0 50.0
1222 714258258790387713 Meet Travis and Flurp. Travis is pretty chill but Flurp can't lie down properly. 10/10 &amp; 8/10\nget it together Flurp https://t.co/Akzl5ynMmE 10.0 10.0
1359 703356393781329922 This is Socks. That water pup w the super legs just splashed him. Socks did not appreciate that. 9/10 and 2/10 https://t.co/8rc5I22bBf 9.0 10.0
1465 694352839993344000 Meet Oliviér. He takes killer selfies. Has a dog of his own. It leaps at random &amp; can't bark for shit. 10/10 &amp; 5/10 https://t.co/6NgsQJuSBJ 10.0 10.0
1508 691483041324204033 When bae says they can't go out but you see them with someone else that same night. 5/10 &amp; 10/10 for heartbroken pup https://t.co/aenk0KpoWM 5.0 10.0
1525 690400367696297985 This is Eriq. His friend just reminded him of last year's super bowl. Not cool friend\n10/10 for Eriq\n6/10 for friend https://t.co/PlEXTofdpf 10.0 10.0
1538 689835978131935233 Meet Fynn &amp; Taco. Fynn is an all-powerful leaf lord and Taco is in the wrong place at the wrong time. 11/10 &amp; 10/10 https://t.co/MuqHPvtL8c 11.0 10.0
1795 677314812125323265 Meet Tassy &amp; Bee. Tassy is pretty chill, but Bee is convinced the Ruffles are haunted. 10/10 &amp; 11/10 respectively https://t.co/fgORpmTN9C 10.0 10.0
1832 676191832485810177 These two pups just met and have instantly bonded. Spectacular scene. Mesmerizing af. 10/10 and 7/10 for blue dog https://t.co/gwryaJO4tC 10.0 10.0
1897 674737130913071104 Meet Rufio. He is unaware of the pink legless pupper wrapped around him. Might want to get that checked 10/10 &amp; 4/10 https://t.co/KNfLnYPmYh 10.0 10.0
1901 674646392044941312 Two gorgeous dogs here. Little waddling dog is a rebel. Refuses to look at camera. Must be a preteen. 5/10 &amp; 8/10 https://t.co/YPfw7oahbD 5.0 10.0
1970 673295268553605120 Meet Eve. She's a raging alcoholic 8/10 (would b 11/10 but pupper alcoholism is a tragic issue that I can't condone) https://t.co/U36HYQIijg 8.0 10.0
2010 672248013293752320 10/10 for dog. 7/10 for cat. 12/10 for human. Much skill. Would pet all https://t.co/uhx5gfpx5k 10.0 10.0
2064 671154572044468225 Meet Holly. She's trying to teach small human-like pup about blocks but he's not paying attention smh. 11/10 &amp; 8/10 https://t.co/RcksaUrGNu 11.0 10.0
2177 669037058363662336 Here we have Pancho and Peaches. Pancho is a Condoleezza Gryffindor, and Peaches is just an asshole. 10/10 &amp; 7/10 https://t.co/Lh1BsJrWPp 10.0 10.0
2216 668537837512433665 This is Spark. He's nervous. Other dog hasn't moved in a while. Won't come when called. Doesn't fetch well 8/10&amp;1/10 https://t.co/stEodX9Aba 8.0 10.0
2263 667544320556335104 This is Kial. Kial is either wearing a cape, which would be rad, or flashing us, which would be rude. 10/10 or 4/10 https://t.co/8zcwIoiuqR 10.0 10.0
2272 667491009379606528 Two dogs in this one. Both are rare Jujitsu Pythagoreans. One slightly whiter than other. Long legs. 7/10 and 8/10 https://t.co/ITxxcc4v9y 7.0 10.0
2306 666835007768551424 These are Peruvian Feldspars. Their names are Cupit and Prencer. Both resemble Rand Paul. Sick outfits 10/10 &amp; 10/10 https://t.co/ZnEMHBsAs1 10.0 10.0
2335 666287406224695296 This is an Albanian 3 1/2 legged Episcopalian. Loves well-polished hardwood flooring. Penis on the collar. 9/10 https://t.co/d9NcXFKwLv 1.0 2.0

There are quite a few cases with more than one "rating" in the text:

  1. some of them are two ratings for two dogs: for simplicity, whenever this is the case, the first rating which the regex extracts is fine and can be considered correct
  2. some "ratings" are not the actual ratings but other fractions, these have to be corrected:
In [1224]:
df_clean.loc[df_clean['tweet_id'] == 740373189193256964, ['rating_numerator']] = 14
df_clean.loc[df_clean['tweet_id'] == 740373189193256964, ['rating_denominator']] = 10
df_clean.loc[df_clean['tweet_id'] == 722974582966214656, ['rating_numerator']] = 13
df_clean.loc[df_clean['tweet_id'] == 722974582966214656, ['rating_denominator']] = 10
df_clean.loc[df_clean['tweet_id'] == 716439118184652801, ['rating_numerator']] = 11
df_clean.loc[df_clean['tweet_id'] == 716439118184652801, ['rating_denominator']] = 10
df_clean.loc[df_clean['tweet_id'] == 666287406224695296, ['rating_numerator']] = 9
df_clean.loc[df_clean['tweet_id'] == 666287406224695296, ['rating_denominator']] = 10

Test #7

In [1225]:
# no wrong extracted decimal numerators remain
df_clean[df_clean.text.str.contains(r"(\d+\.\d+\/\d+\.?\d*)")][['tweet_id', 'text', 'rating_numerator', 'rating_denominator']]
tweet_id text rating_numerator rating_denominator
45 883482846933004288 This is Bella. She hopes her smile made you smile. If not, she is also offering you her favorite monkey. 13.5/10 https://t.co/qjrljjt948 13.50 10.0
695 786709082849828864 This is Logan, the Chow who lived. He solemnly swears he's up to lots of good. H*ckin magical af 9.75/10 https://t.co/yBO5wuqaPS 9.75 10.0
763 778027034220126208 This is Sophie. She's a Jubilant Bush Pupper. Super h*ckin rare. Appears at random just to smile at the locals. 11.27/10 would smile back https://t.co/QFaUiIHxHq 11.27 10.0
1712 680494726643068929 Here we have uncovered an entire battalion of holiday puppers. Average of 11.26/10 https://t.co/eNm2S6p9BD 11.26 10.0
In [1226]:
# no wrong extracted double fractions remain
df_clean.loc[(df_clean['tweet_id'] == 740373189193256964) | (df_clean['tweet_id'] == 722974582966214656) |\
             (df_clean['tweet_id'] == 716439118184652801) | (df_clean['tweet_id'] == 666287406224695296)]\
[['tweet_id', 'text', 'rating_numerator', 'rating_denominator']]
tweet_id text rating_numerator rating_denominator
1068 740373189193256964 After so many requests, this is Bretagne. She was the last surviving 9/11 search dog, and our second ever 14/10. RIP https://t.co/XAVDNDaVgQ 14.0 10.0
1165 722974582966214656 Happy 4/20 from the squad! 13/10 for all https://t.co/eV1diwds8a 13.0 10.0
1202 716439118184652801 This is Bluebert. He just saw that both #FinalFur match ups are split 50/50. Amazed af. 11/10 https://t.co/Kky1DPG4iq 11.0 10.0
2335 666287406224695296 This is an Albanian 3 1/2 legged Episcopalian. Loves well-polished hardwood flooring. Penis on the collar. 9/10 https://t.co/d9NcXFKwLv 9.0 10.0

Define #8

  • solve the tidiness issue of separate ratings columns
    • create one rating column combining the numerator and denominator

Code #8

In [1227]:
df_clean['rating'] = ''

def merge_rating(row):
    rating = []
    row['rating'] = '/'.join(rating)
    # return updated column
    return row

# apply to all rows
df_clean = df_clean.apply(merge_rating, axis=1)

# drop the separate rating columns
df_clean = df_clean.drop(['rating_numerator', 'rating_denominator'], axis=1)

Test #8

In [1228]:
# rating is now stored in one column, so we solved the tidiness issue
# most of the ratings which occur only once in the data seem plausible
# however, let's check some of the values for accuracy
12.0/10.0      380
10.0/10.0      318
11.0/10.0      308
13.0/10.0      215
9.0/10.0       108
8.0/10.0        58
7.0/10.0        24
14.0/10.0       22
6.0/10.0        12
5.0/10.0         9
4.0/10.0         4
3.0/10.0         3
2.0/10.0         1
121.0/110.0      1
9.75/10.0        1
11.26/10.0       1
88.0/80.0        1
84.0/70.0        1
80.0/80.0        1
11.27/10.0       1
60.0/50.0        1
24.0/7.0         1
13.5/10.0        1
143.0/130.0      1
45.0/50.0        1
44.0/40.0        1
165.0/150.0      1
99.0/90.0        1
Name: tweet_id, dtype: int64

Note: Rating column is intentionally kept as a string column to keep the unique rating system readable and comparable.

In [1229]:
# let's check the couple of ratings that still look suspicious even after the cleaning we did in #7

# this is wrongly extracted and there is actually no real rating included in the text
df_clean.query('rating == "24.0/7.0"').text
516    Meet Sam. She smiles 24/7 &amp; secretly aspires to be a reindeer. \nKeep Sam smiling by clicking and sharing this link:\nhttps://t.co/98tB8y7y7t https://t.co/LouL5vdvxx
Name: text, dtype: object
In [1230]:
df_clean['rating'].replace({'24.0/7.0': None}, inplace=True)
In [1231]:
# this one is correct
df_clean.query('rating == "2.0/10.0"').text
1764    This is Crystal. She's a shitty fireman. No sense of urgency. People could be dying Crystal. 2/10 just irresponsible https://t.co/rtMtjSl9pz
Name: text, dtype: object
In [1232]:
# this one is correct
df_clean.query('rating == "165.0/150.0"').text
902    Why does this never happen at my front door... 165/150 https://t.co/HmwrdfEfUE
Name: text, dtype: object
In [1233]:
# this one is correct
df_clean.query('rating == "143.0/130.0"').text
1634    Two sneaky puppers were not initially seen, moving the rating to 143/130. Please forgive us. Thank you https://t.co/kRK51Y5ac3
Name: text, dtype: object
In [1234]:
# this one is correct
df_clean.query('rating == "121.0/110.0"').text
1635    Someone help the girl is being mugged. Several are distracting her while two steal her shoes. Clever puppers 121/110 https://t.co/1zfnTJLt55
Name: text, dtype: object

Test #8

In [1235]:
12.0/10.0      380
10.0/10.0      318
11.0/10.0      308
13.0/10.0      215
9.0/10.0       108
8.0/10.0        58
7.0/10.0        24
14.0/10.0       22
6.0/10.0        12
5.0/10.0         9
4.0/10.0         4
3.0/10.0         3
2.0/10.0         1
165.0/150.0      1
44.0/40.0        1
45.0/50.0        1
143.0/130.0      1
13.5/10.0        1
60.0/50.0        1
121.0/110.0      1
11.27/10.0       1
80.0/80.0        1
84.0/70.0        1
88.0/80.0        1
11.26/10.0       1
9.75/10.0        1
99.0/90.0        1
Name: tweet_id, dtype: int64

Define #9

  • delete all not needed columns

Code #9

In [1236]:
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 1477 entries, 1 to 2355
Data columns (total 16 columns):
 #   Column                 Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------                 --------------  -----  
 0   tweet_id               1477 non-null   int64  
 1   in_reply_to_status_id  14 non-null     float64
 2   in_reply_to_user_id    14 non-null     float64
 3   timestamp              1477 non-null   object 
 4   source                 1477 non-null   object 
 5   text                   1477 non-null   object 
 6   name                   1477 non-null   object 
 7   jpg_url                1477 non-null   object 
 8   p1                     1477 non-null   object 
 9   p1_conf                1477 non-null   float64
 10  p2                     1477 non-null   object 
 11  p3                     1477 non-null   object 
 12  retweets               1477 non-null   float64
 13  likes                  1477 non-null   float64
 14  dog_stage              1477 non-null   object 
 15  rating                 1476 non-null   object 
dtypes: float64(5), int64(1), object(10)
memory usage: 196.2+ KB
In [1237]:
# let's make tweet_id the index of the df
df_clean.set_index('tweet_id', inplace=True)
In [1238]:
# in_reply_to_status_id, in_reply_to_user_id only have 14 items, which will not be interesting for the analysis
df_clean = df_clean.drop(['in_reply_to_status_id', 'in_reply_to_user_id'], axis=1)

Test #9

In [1239]:
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 1477 entries, 892177421306343426 to 666020888022790149
Data columns (total 13 columns):
 #   Column     Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------     --------------  -----  
 0   timestamp  1477 non-null   object 
 1   source     1477 non-null   object 
 2   text       1477 non-null   object 
 3   name       1477 non-null   object 
 4   jpg_url    1477 non-null   object 
 5   p1         1477 non-null   object 
 6   p1_conf    1477 non-null   float64
 7   p2         1477 non-null   object 
 8   p3         1477 non-null   object 
 9   retweets   1477 non-null   float64
 10  likes      1477 non-null   float64
 11  dog_stage  1477 non-null   object 
 12  rating     1476 non-null   object 
dtypes: float64(3), object(10)
memory usage: 161.5+ KB

Define #10

  • adjust data types where needed

Code #10

In [1240]:
# timestamp as datetime
# retweets and likes as integers
df_clean['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(df_clean['timestamp'])
df_clean['retweets'] = df_clean['retweets'].astype(int)
df_clean['likes'] = df_clean['likes'].astype(int)

Test #10

In [1241]:
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 1477 entries, 892177421306343426 to 666020888022790149
Data columns (total 13 columns):
 #   Column     Non-Null Count  Dtype              
---  ------     --------------  -----              
 0   timestamp  1477 non-null   datetime64[ns, UTC]
 1   source     1477 non-null   object             
 2   text       1477 non-null   object             
 3   name       1477 non-null   object             
 4   jpg_url    1477 non-null   object             
 5   p1         1477 non-null   object             
 6   p1_conf    1477 non-null   float64            
 7   p2         1477 non-null   object             
 8   p3         1477 non-null   object             
 9   retweets   1477 non-null   int32              
 10  likes      1477 non-null   int32              
 11  dog_stage  1477 non-null   object             
 12  rating     1476 non-null   object             
dtypes: datetime64[ns, UTC](1), float64(1), int32(2), object(9)
memory usage: 150.0+ KB

Define #11

  • clean name column to exclude strings which are not actual names

Code #11

In [1242]:
# this one is now easier to do on the final cleaned data than if we tried it in the beginning
None         363
a             43
Charlie       10
Cooper        10
Oliver         9
Tucker         8
Lucy           8
Sadie          7
Daisy          7
Penny          7
Koda           6
the            6
Jax            6
Winston        6
Toby           5
Stanley        5
Rusty          5
Bella          5
Bo             5
Leo            5
Bear           4
Maggie         4
Sophie         4
George         4
Reggie         4
Chester        4
Scout          4
Finn           4
Louis          4
Cassie         4
Dave           4
Gus            4
Dexter         4
Oscar          4
Scooter        4
Brody          4
Larry          4
Lola           4
Buddy          3
Boomer         3
Sebastian      3
Jeffrey        3
Rosie          3
an             3
Ellie          3
Vincent        3
Clark          3
Duke           3
Olive          3
Reese          3
Name: name, dtype: int64
In [1243]:
# first, let's change "None" to real None
df_clean.name.replace('None', inplace=True)
In [1244]:
# it looks like all names starting with lowercase letter seem not to be real names
text name
881536004380872706 Here is a pupper approaching maximum borkdrive. Zooming at never before seen speeds. 14/10 paw-inspiring af \n(IG: puffie_the_chow) https://t.co/ghXBIIeQZF a
880872448815771648 Ugh not again. We only rate dogs. Please don't send in well-dressed floppy-tongued street penguins. Dogs only please. Thank you... 12/10 https://t.co/WiAMbTkDPf a
855459453768019968 Guys, we only rate dogs. This is quite clearly a bulbasaur. Please only send dogs. Thank you... 12/10 human used pet, it's super effective https://t.co/Xc7uj1C64x quite
828650029636317184 Occasionally, we're sent fantastic stories. This is one of them. 14/10 for Grace https://t.co/bZ4axuH6OK one
806219024703037440 We only rate dogs. Please stop sending in non-canines like this Freudian Poof Lion. This is incredibly frustrating... 11/10 https://t.co/IZidSrBvhi incredibly
772581559778025472 Guys this is getting so out of hand. We only rate dogs. This is a Galapagos Speed Panda. Pls only send dogs... 10/10 https://t.co/8lpAGaZRFn a
765395769549590528 This is my dog. Her name is Zoey. She knows I've been rating other dogs. She's not happy. 13/10 no bias at all https://t.co/ep1NkYoiwB my
748977405889503236 What jokester sent in a pic without a dog in it? This is not @rock_rates. This is @dog_rates. Thank you ...10/10 https://t.co/nDPaYHrtNX not
747885874273214464 This is a mighty rare blue-tailed hammer sherk. Human almost lost a limb trying to take these. Be careful guys. 8/10 https://t.co/TGenMeXreW a
747816857231626240 Viewer discretion is advised. This is a terrible attack in progress. Not even in water (tragic af). 4/10 bad sherk https://t.co/L3U0j14N5R a
746872823977771008 This is a carrot. We only rate dogs. Please only send in dogs. You all really should know this by now ...11/10 https://t.co/9e48aPrBm2 a
746790600704425984 When you just can't resist... 10/10 topnotch tongue https://t.co/jeWEGUgbXf a
746369468511756288 This is an Iraqi Speed Kangaroo. It is not a dog. Please only send in dogs. I'm very angry with all of you ...9/10 https://t.co/5qpBTTpgUt an
745422732645535745 We only rate dogs. Pls stop sending in non-canines like this Jamaican Flop Seal. This is very very frustrating. 9/10 https://t.co/nc53zEN0hZ very
743222593470234624 This is a very rare Great Alaskan Bush Pupper. Hard to stumble upon without spooking. 12/10 would pet passionately https://t.co/xOBKCdpzaa a
741067306818797568 This is just downright precious af. 12/10 for both pupper and doggo https://t.co/o5J479bZUC just
740214038584557568 This is getting incredibly frustrating. This is a Mexican Golden Beaver. We only rate dogs. Only send dogs ...10/10 https://t.co/0yolOOyD3X getting
736225175608430592 We only rate dogs. Please stop sending in non-canines like this Alaskan Flop Turtle. This is very frustrating. 10/10 https://t.co/qXteK6Atxc very
736010884653420544 Right after you graduate vs when you remember you're on your own now and can barely work a washing machine ...10/10 https://t.co/O1TLuYjsNS very
717537687239008257 People please. This is a Deadly Mediterranean Plop T-Rex. We only rate dogs. Only send in dogs. Thanks you... 11/10 https://t.co/2ATDsgHD4n a
715733265223708672 This is a taco. We only rate dogs. Please only send in dogs. Dogs are what we rate. Not tacos. Thank you... 10/10 https://t.co/cxl6xGY8B9 a
710272297844797440 We 👏🏻 only 👏🏻 rate 👏🏻 dogs. Pls stop sending in non-canines like this Dutch Panda Worm. This is infuriating. 11/10 https://t.co/odfLzBonG2 infuriating
710269109699739648 The squad is back for St. Patrick's Day! ☘ 💚\n13/10 for all https://t.co/OcCDb2bng5 infuriating
704859558691414016 Here is a heartbreaking scene of an incredible pupper being laid to rest. 10/10 RIP pupper https://t.co/81mvJ0rGRu a
704847917308362754 "Yes hi could I get a number 4 with no pickles" ...12/10 https://t.co/kQPVxqA3gq a
704499785726889984 When you wake up from a long nap and have no idea who you are. 12/10 https://t.co/dlF93GLnDc a
704054845121142784 Here is a whole flock of puppers. 60/50 I'll take the lot https://t.co/9dpcw6MdWa a
703774238772166656 "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH" both 10/10 https://t.co/ZvxdB4i9AG a
703769065844768768 When you're trying to watch your favorite tv show but your friends keep interrupting. 10/10 relatable af https://t.co/QQZDCYl6zT a
703079050210877440 This is a Butternut Cumberfloof. It's not windy they just look like that. 11/10 back at it again with the red socks https://t.co/hMjzhdUHaW a
702539513671897089 This is a Wild Tuscan Poofwiggle. Careful not to startle. Rare tongue slip. One eye magical. 12/10 would def pet https://t.co/4EnShAQjv6 a
702321140488925184 Please enjoy this picture as much as I did. 12/10 https://t.co/7u8mM99Tj5 a
702217446468493312 I know it's tempting, but please stop sending in pics of Donald Trump. Thank you ...9/10 https://t.co/y35Y1TJERY a
700864154249383937 "Pupper is a present to world. Here is a bow for pupper." 12/10 precious as hell https://t.co/ItSsE92gCW a
700747788515020802 We only rate dogs. Pls stop sending in non-canines like this Mongolian grass snake. This is very frustrating. 11/10 https://t.co/22x9SbCYCU very
697259378236399616 Please stop sending in saber-toothed tigers. This is getting ridiculous. We only rate dogs.\n...8/10 https://t.co/iAeQNueou8 getting
695095422348574720 This is just a beautiful pupper good shit evolution. 12/10 https://t.co/2L8pI0Z2Ib just
692187005137076224 This is a rare Arctic Wubberfloof. Unamused by the happenings. No longer has the appetites. 12/10 would totally hug https://t.co/krvbacIX0N a
690360449368465409 Stop sending in lobsters. This is the final warning. We only rate dogs. Thank you... 9/10 https://t.co/B9ZXXKJYNx the
690015576308211712 This pupper can only sleep on shoes. It's a crippling disease. Tearing his family apart. 12/10 I'd totally pet tho https://t.co/03XlvS8izg the
690005060500217858 "I'm the only one that ever does anything in this household" 10/10 https://t.co/V8HcVIh4jt the
685943807276412928 This is the newly formed pupper a capella group. They're just starting out but I see tons of potential. 8/10 for all https://t.co/wbAcvFoNtn the
681297372102656000 This is actually a lion. We only rate dogs. For the last time please only send dogs. Thank u.\n12/10 would still pet https://t.co/Pp26dMQxap actually
679530280114372609 Guys this really needs to stop. We've been over this way too many times. This is a giraffe. We only rate dogs.. 7/10 https://t.co/yavgkHYPOC a
679111216690831360 This is officially the greatest yawn of all time. 12/10 https://t.co/4R0Cc0sLVE officially
678991772295516161 If your Monday isn't going so well just take a look at this. Both 12/10 https://t.co/GJT6SILPGU officially
677644091929329666 This is a dog swinging. I really enjoyed it so I hope you all do as well. 11/10 https://t.co/Ozo9KHTRND a
677565715327688705 Contortionist pup here. Inside pentagram. Clearly worships Satan. Known to slowly push fragile stuff off tables 6/10 https://t.co/EX9oR55VMe a
677547928504967168 Not much to say here. I just think everyone needs to see this. 12/10 https://t.co/AGag0hFHpe a
677269281705472000 This is the happiest pupper I've ever seen. 10/10 would trade lives with https://t.co/ep8ATEJwRb the
677187300187611136 Here we see a Byzantine Rigatoni. Very aerodynamic. No eyes. Actually not windy here they just look like that. 9/10 https://t.co/gzI0m6wXRo the
675706639471788032 This is a Sizzlin Menorah spaniel from Brooklyn named Wylie. Lovable eyes. Chiller as hell. 10/10 and I'm out.. poof https://t.co/7E0AiJXPmI a
675534494439489536 Seriously guys?! Only send in dogs. I only rate dogs. This is a baby black bear... 11/10 https://t.co/H7kpabTfLj a
675109292475830276 C'mon guys. We've been over this. We only rate dogs. This is a cow. Please only submit dogs. Thank you...... 9/10 https://t.co/WjcELNEqN2 a
675047298674663426 This is a fluffy albino Bacardi Columbia mix. Excellent at the tweets. 11/10 would hug gently https://t.co/diboDRUuEI a
674082852460433408 This is a Sagitariot Baklava mix. Loves her new hat. 11/10 radiant pup https://t.co/Bko5kFJYUU a
673956914389192708 This is one esteemed pupper. Just graduated college. 10/10 what a champ https://t.co/nyReCVRiyd one
673887867907739649 When you're having a great time sleeping and your mom comes in and turns on the lights. 10/10 https://t.co/6qYd6BNSPd one
673711475735838725 🎶 HELLO FROM THE OTHER SIIIIIIIIDE 🎶 10/10 https://t.co/MTOOksRzvH one
673709992831262724 I know a lot of you are studying for finals. Good luck! Here's this. It should help somehow. 12/10 https://t.co/s2ktuPQd79 one
672604026190569472 This is a baby Rand Paul. Curls for days. 11/10 would cuddle the hell out of https://t.co/xHXNaPAYRe a
672482722825261057 This is light saber pup. Ready to fight off evil with light saber. 10/10 true hero https://t.co/LPPa3btIIt light
671789708968640512 This is space pup. He's very confused. Tries to moonwalk at one point. Super spiffy uniform. 13/10 I love space pup https://t.co/SfPQ2KeLdq space
671768281401958400 When you try to recreate the scene from Lady &amp; The Tramp but then remember you don't have a significant other. 10/10 https://t.co/TASnD8Q08S space
671743150407421952 This is a Tuscaloosa Alcatraz named Jacob (Yacōb). Loves to sit in swing. Stellar tongue. 11/10 look at his feet https://t.co/2IslQ8ZSc7 a
671729906628341761 I'm just going to leave this one here as well. 13/10 https://t.co/DaD5SyajWt a
671561002136281088 This is the best thing I've ever seen so spread it like wildfire &amp; maybe we'll find the genius who created it. 13/10 https://t.co/q6RsuOVYwU the
671147085991960577 This is a Helvetica Listerine named Rufus. This time Rufus will be ready for the UPS guy. He'll never expect it 9/10 https://t.co/34OhVhMkVr a
671138694582165504 Me running from commitment. 10/10 https://t.co/ycVJyFFkES a
670303360680108032 This is a Speckled Cauliflower Yosemite named Hemry. He's terrified of intruder dog. Not one bit comfortable. 9/10 https://t.co/yV3Qgjh8iN a
669564461267722241 This is a Coriander Baton Rouge named Alfredo. Loves to cuddle with smaller well-dressed dog. 10/10 would hug lots https://t.co/eCRdwouKCl a
668955713004314625 This is a Slovakian Helter Skelter Feta named Leroi. Likes to skip on roofs. Good traction. Much balance. 10/10 wow! https://t.co/Dmy2mY2Qj5 a
668815180734689280 This is a wild Toblerone from Papua New Guinea. Mouth always open. Addicted to hay. Acts blind. 7/10 handsome dog https://t.co/IGmVbz07tZ a
668636665813057536 This is an Irish Rigatoni terrier named Berta. Completely made of rope. No eyes. Quite large. Loves to dance. 10/10 https://t.co/EM5fDykrJg an
668507509523615744 This is a Birmingham Quagmire named Chuk. Loves to relax and watch the game while sippin on that iced mocha. 10/10 https://t.co/HvNg9JWxFt a
668171859951755264 This is a Trans Siberian Kellogg named Alfonso. Huge ass eyeballs. Actually Dobby from Harry Potter. 7/10 https://t.co/XpseHBlAAb a
667861340749471744 This is a Shotokon Macadamia mix named Cheryl. Sophisticated af. Looks like a disappointed librarian. Shh (lol) 9/10 https://t.co/J4GnJ5Swba a
667832474953625600 THE EYES 12/10\n\nI'm sorry. These are supposed to be funny but your dogs are too adorable https://t.co/z1xPTgVLc7 a
667801013445750784 OMIGOD 12/10 https://t.co/SVMF4Frf1w a
667793409583771648 Dogs only please. Small cows and other non canines will not be tolerated. Sick tattoos tho 8/10 https://t.co/s1z7mX4c9O a
667773195014021121 This is a rare Hungarian Pinot named Jessiga. She is either mid-stroke or got stuck in the washing machine. 8/10 https://t.co/ZU0i0KJyqD a
667538891197542400 This is a southwest Coriander named Klint. Hat looks expensive. Still on house arrest :(\n9/10 https://t.co/IQTOMqDUIe a
667470559035432960 This is a northern Wahoo named Kohl. He runs this town. Chases tumbleweeds. Draws gun wicked fast. 11/10 legendary https://t.co/J4vn2rOYFk a
667177989038297088 This is a Dasani Kingfisher from Maine. His name is Daryl. Daryl doesn't like being swallowed by a panda. 8/10 https://t.co/jpaeu6LNmW a
667176164155375616 These are strange dogs. All have toupees. Long neck for dogs. In a shed of sorts? Work in groups? 4/10 still petable https://t.co/PZxSarAfSN a
666781792255496192 This is a purebred Bacardi named Octaviath. Can shoot spaghetti out of mouth. 10/10 https://t.co/uEvsGLOFHa a
666701168228331520 This is a golden Buckminsterfullerene named Johm. Drives trucks. Lumberjack (?). Enjoys wall. 8/10 would hug softly https://t.co/uQbZJM2DQB a
666407126856765440 This is a southern Vesuvius bumblegruff. Can drive a truck (wow). Made friends with 5 other nifty dogs (neat). 7/10 https://t.co/LopTBkKa8h a
666396247373291520 Oh goodness. A super rare northeast Qdoba kangaroo mix. Massive feet. No pouch (disappointing). Seems alert. 9/10 https://t.co/Dc7b0E8qFE a
666373753744588802 Those are sunglasses and a jean jacket. 11/10 dog cool af https://t.co/uHXrPkUEyl a
666353288456101888 Here we have a mixed Asiago from the Galápagos Islands. Only one ear working. Big fan of marijuana carpet. 8/10 https://t.co/tltQ5w9aUO a
666345417576210432 Look at this jokester thinking seat belt laws don't apply to him. Great tongue tho 10/10 https://t.co/VFKG1vxGjB a
666287406224695296 This is an Albanian 3 1/2 legged Episcopalian. Loves well-polished hardwood flooring. Penis on the collar. 9/10 https://t.co/d9NcXFKwLv an
666273097616637952 Can take selfies 11/10 https://t.co/ws2AMaNwPW an
666102155909144576 Oh my. Here you are seeing an Adobe Setter giving birth to twins!!! The world is an amazing place. 11/10 https://t.co/11LvqN4WLq an
666099513787052032 Can stand on stump for what seems like a while. Built that birdhouse? Impressive. Made friends with a squirrel. 8/10 https://t.co/Ri4nMTLq5C an
666094000022159362 This appears to be a Mongolian Presbyterian mix. Very tired. Tongue slip confirmed. 9/10 would lie down with https://t.co/mnioXo3IfP an
666082916733198337 Here we have a well-established sunblockerspaniel. Lost his other flip-flop. 6/10 not very waterproof https://t.co/3RU6x0vHB7 an
666073100786774016 Let's hope this flight isn't Malaysian (lol). What a dog! Almost completely camouflaged. 10/10 I trust this pilot https://t.co/Yk6GHE9tOY an
666071193221509120 Here we have a northern speckled Rhododendron. Much sass. Gives 0 fucks. Good tongue. 9/10 would caress sensually https://t.co/ZoL8kq2XFx an
666063827256086533 This is the happiest dog you will ever see. Very committed owner. Nice couch. 10/10 https://t.co/RhUEAloehK the
666058600524156928 Here is the Rand Paul of retrievers folks! He's probably good at poker. Can drink beer (lol rad). 8/10 good dog https://t.co/pYAJkAe76p the
666055525042405380 Here is a Siberian heavily armored polar bear mix. Strong owner. 10/10 I would do unspeakable things to pet this dog https://t.co/rdivxLiqEt a
666050758794694657 This is a truly beautiful English Wilson Staff retriever. Has a nice phone. Privileged. 10/10 would trade lives with https://t.co/fvIbQfHjIe a
666049248165822465 Here we have a 1949 1st generation vulpix. Enjoys sweat tea and Fox News. Cannot be phased. 5/10 https://t.co/4B7cOc1EDq a
666044226329800704 This is a purebred Piers Morgan. Loves to Netflix and chill. Always looks like he forgot to unplug the iron. 6/10 https://t.co/DWnyCjf2mx a
666033412701032449 Here is a very happy pup. Big fan of well-maintained decks. Just look at that tongue. 9/10 would cuddle af https://t.co/y671yMhoiR a
666029285002620928 This is a western brown Mitsubishi terrier. Upset about leaf. Actually 2 dogs here. 7/10 would walk the shit out of https://t.co/r7mOb2m0UI a
666020888022790149 Here we have a Japanese Irish Setter. Lost eye in Vietnam (?). Big fan of relaxing on stair. 8/10 would pet https://t.co/BLDqew2Ijj a

Displaying all lowercase names (which are actually not names) reveals several things:

  1. most of these tweet texts actually do not include any name - these names should be changed to None
  2. some actually do have a name, which was not extracted correctly
  3. we also found some texts which suggest that we still have some non-dog tweets included (which can happen because we only dropped tweets where the first prediction was not a dog) - let's drop these tweets manually
In [1245]:
# let's start with 3. and drop non-dog tweets
df_clean.drop(855459453768019968, inplace=True)
df_clean.drop(806219024703037440, inplace=True)
df_clean.drop(772581559778025472, inplace=True)
df_clean.drop(748977405889503236, inplace=True)
df_clean.drop(746872823977771008, inplace=True)
df_clean.drop(746369468511756288, inplace=True)
df_clean.drop(745422732645535745, inplace=True)
df_clean.drop(740214038584557568, inplace=True)
df_clean.drop(736225175608430592, inplace=True)
df_clean.drop(717537687239008257, inplace=True)
df_clean.drop(715733265223708672, inplace=True)
df_clean.drop(710272297844797440, inplace=True)
df_clean.drop(700747788515020802, inplace=True)
df_clean.drop(697259378236399616, inplace=True)
df_clean.drop(690360449368465409, inplace=True)
df_clean.drop(681297372102656000, inplace=True)
df_clean.drop(679530280114372609, inplace=True)
df_clean.drop(675534494439489536, inplace=True)
df_clean.drop(675109292475830276, inplace=True)
df_clean.drop(880872448815771648, inplace=True)
df_clean.drop(702217446468493312, inplace=True)
df_clean.drop(667793409583771648, inplace=True)
df_clean.drop(666373753744588802, inplace=True)
In [1246]:
# next, let's check for real names in the remaining tweets
text name
881536004380872706 Here is a pupper approaching maximum borkdrive. Zooming at never before seen speeds. 14/10 paw-inspiring af \n(IG: puffie_the_chow) https://t.co/ghXBIIeQZF a
828650029636317184 Occasionally, we're sent fantastic stories. This is one of them. 14/10 for Grace https://t.co/bZ4axuH6OK one
765395769549590528 This is my dog. Her name is Zoey. She knows I've been rating other dogs. She's not happy. 13/10 no bias at all https://t.co/ep1NkYoiwB my
747885874273214464 This is a mighty rare blue-tailed hammer sherk. Human almost lost a limb trying to take these. Be careful guys. 8/10 https://t.co/TGenMeXreW a
747816857231626240 Viewer discretion is advised. This is a terrible attack in progress. Not even in water (tragic af). 4/10 bad sherk https://t.co/L3U0j14N5R a
746790600704425984 When you just can't resist... 10/10 topnotch tongue https://t.co/jeWEGUgbXf a
743222593470234624 This is a very rare Great Alaskan Bush Pupper. Hard to stumble upon without spooking. 12/10 would pet passionately https://t.co/xOBKCdpzaa a
741067306818797568 This is just downright precious af. 12/10 for both pupper and doggo https://t.co/o5J479bZUC just
736010884653420544 Right after you graduate vs when you remember you're on your own now and can barely work a washing machine ...10/10 https://t.co/O1TLuYjsNS very
710269109699739648 The squad is back for St. Patrick's Day! ☘ 💚\n13/10 for all https://t.co/OcCDb2bng5 infuriating
704859558691414016 Here is a heartbreaking scene of an incredible pupper being laid to rest. 10/10 RIP pupper https://t.co/81mvJ0rGRu a
704847917308362754 "Yes hi could I get a number 4 with no pickles" ...12/10 https://t.co/kQPVxqA3gq a
704499785726889984 When you wake up from a long nap and have no idea who you are. 12/10 https://t.co/dlF93GLnDc a
704054845121142784 Here is a whole flock of puppers. 60/50 I'll take the lot https://t.co/9dpcw6MdWa a
703774238772166656 "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH" both 10/10 https://t.co/ZvxdB4i9AG a
703769065844768768 When you're trying to watch your favorite tv show but your friends keep interrupting. 10/10 relatable af https://t.co/QQZDCYl6zT a
703079050210877440 This is a Butternut Cumberfloof. It's not windy they just look like that. 11/10 back at it again with the red socks https://t.co/hMjzhdUHaW a
702539513671897089 This is a Wild Tuscan Poofwiggle. Careful not to startle. Rare tongue slip. One eye magical. 12/10 would def pet https://t.co/4EnShAQjv6 a
702321140488925184 Please enjoy this picture as much as I did. 12/10 https://t.co/7u8mM99Tj5 a
700864154249383937 "Pupper is a present to world. Here is a bow for pupper." 12/10 precious as hell https://t.co/ItSsE92gCW a
695095422348574720 This is just a beautiful pupper good shit evolution. 12/10 https://t.co/2L8pI0Z2Ib just
692187005137076224 This is a rare Arctic Wubberfloof. Unamused by the happenings. No longer has the appetites. 12/10 would totally hug https://t.co/krvbacIX0N a
690015576308211712 This pupper can only sleep on shoes. It's a crippling disease. Tearing his family apart. 12/10 I'd totally pet tho https://t.co/03XlvS8izg the
690005060500217858 "I'm the only one that ever does anything in this household" 10/10 https://t.co/V8HcVIh4jt the
685943807276412928 This is the newly formed pupper a capella group. They're just starting out but I see tons of potential. 8/10 for all https://t.co/wbAcvFoNtn the
679111216690831360 This is officially the greatest yawn of all time. 12/10 https://t.co/4R0Cc0sLVE officially
678991772295516161 If your Monday isn't going so well just take a look at this. Both 12/10 https://t.co/GJT6SILPGU officially
677644091929329666 This is a dog swinging. I really enjoyed it so I hope you all do as well. 11/10 https://t.co/Ozo9KHTRND a
677565715327688705 Contortionist pup here. Inside pentagram. Clearly worships Satan. Known to slowly push fragile stuff off tables 6/10 https://t.co/EX9oR55VMe a
677547928504967168 Not much to say here. I just think everyone needs to see this. 12/10 https://t.co/AGag0hFHpe a
677269281705472000 This is the happiest pupper I've ever seen. 10/10 would trade lives with https://t.co/ep8ATEJwRb the
677187300187611136 Here we see a Byzantine Rigatoni. Very aerodynamic. No eyes. Actually not windy here they just look like that. 9/10 https://t.co/gzI0m6wXRo the
675706639471788032 This is a Sizzlin Menorah spaniel from Brooklyn named Wylie. Lovable eyes. Chiller as hell. 10/10 and I'm out.. poof https://t.co/7E0AiJXPmI a
675047298674663426 This is a fluffy albino Bacardi Columbia mix. Excellent at the tweets. 11/10 would hug gently https://t.co/diboDRUuEI a
674082852460433408 This is a Sagitariot Baklava mix. Loves her new hat. 11/10 radiant pup https://t.co/Bko5kFJYUU a
673956914389192708 This is one esteemed pupper. Just graduated college. 10/10 what a champ https://t.co/nyReCVRiyd one
673887867907739649 When you're having a great time sleeping and your mom comes in and turns on the lights. 10/10 https://t.co/6qYd6BNSPd one
673711475735838725 🎶 HELLO FROM THE OTHER SIIIIIIIIDE 🎶 10/10 https://t.co/MTOOksRzvH one
673709992831262724 I know a lot of you are studying for finals. Good luck! Here's this. It should help somehow. 12/10 https://t.co/s2ktuPQd79 one
672604026190569472 This is a baby Rand Paul. Curls for days. 11/10 would cuddle the hell out of https://t.co/xHXNaPAYRe a
672482722825261057 This is light saber pup. Ready to fight off evil with light saber. 10/10 true hero https://t.co/LPPa3btIIt light
671789708968640512 This is space pup. He's very confused. Tries to moonwalk at one point. Super spiffy uniform. 13/10 I love space pup https://t.co/SfPQ2KeLdq space
671768281401958400 When you try to recreate the scene from Lady &amp; The Tramp but then remember you don't have a significant other. 10/10 https://t.co/TASnD8Q08S space
671743150407421952 This is a Tuscaloosa Alcatraz named Jacob (Yacōb). Loves to sit in swing. Stellar tongue. 11/10 look at his feet https://t.co/2IslQ8ZSc7 a
671729906628341761 I'm just going to leave this one here as well. 13/10 https://t.co/DaD5SyajWt a
671561002136281088 This is the best thing I've ever seen so spread it like wildfire &amp; maybe we'll find the genius who created it. 13/10 https://t.co/q6RsuOVYwU the
671147085991960577 This is a Helvetica Listerine named Rufus. This time Rufus will be ready for the UPS guy. He'll never expect it 9/10 https://t.co/34OhVhMkVr a
671138694582165504 Me running from commitment. 10/10 https://t.co/ycVJyFFkES a
670303360680108032 This is a Speckled Cauliflower Yosemite named Hemry. He's terrified of intruder dog. Not one bit comfortable. 9/10 https://t.co/yV3Qgjh8iN a
669564461267722241 This is a Coriander Baton Rouge named Alfredo. Loves to cuddle with smaller well-dressed dog. 10/10 would hug lots https://t.co/eCRdwouKCl a
668955713004314625 This is a Slovakian Helter Skelter Feta named Leroi. Likes to skip on roofs. Good traction. Much balance. 10/10 wow! https://t.co/Dmy2mY2Qj5 a
668815180734689280 This is a wild Toblerone from Papua New Guinea. Mouth always open. Addicted to hay. Acts blind. 7/10 handsome dog https://t.co/IGmVbz07tZ a
668636665813057536 This is an Irish Rigatoni terrier named Berta. Completely made of rope. No eyes. Quite large. Loves to dance. 10/10 https://t.co/EM5fDykrJg an
668507509523615744 This is a Birmingham Quagmire named Chuk. Loves to relax and watch the game while sippin on that iced mocha. 10/10 https://t.co/HvNg9JWxFt a
668171859951755264 This is a Trans Siberian Kellogg named Alfonso. Huge ass eyeballs. Actually Dobby from Harry Potter. 7/10 https://t.co/XpseHBlAAb a
667861340749471744 This is a Shotokon Macadamia mix named Cheryl. Sophisticated af. Looks like a disappointed librarian. Shh (lol) 9/10 https://t.co/J4GnJ5Swba a
667832474953625600 THE EYES 12/10\n\nI'm sorry. These are supposed to be funny but your dogs are too adorable https://t.co/z1xPTgVLc7 a
667801013445750784 OMIGOD 12/10 https://t.co/SVMF4Frf1w a
667773195014021121 This is a rare Hungarian Pinot named Jessiga. She is either mid-stroke or got stuck in the washing machine. 8/10 https://t.co/ZU0i0KJyqD a
667538891197542400 This is a southwest Coriander named Klint. Hat looks expensive. Still on house arrest :(\n9/10 https://t.co/IQTOMqDUIe a
667470559035432960 This is a northern Wahoo named Kohl. He runs this town. Chases tumbleweeds. Draws gun wicked fast. 11/10 legendary https://t.co/J4vn2rOYFk a
667177989038297088 This is a Dasani Kingfisher from Maine. His name is Daryl. Daryl doesn't like being swallowed by a panda. 8/10 https://t.co/jpaeu6LNmW a
667176164155375616 These are strange dogs. All have toupees. Long neck for dogs. In a shed of sorts? Work in groups? 4/10 still petable https://t.co/PZxSarAfSN a
666781792255496192 This is a purebred Bacardi named Octaviath. Can shoot spaghetti out of mouth. 10/10 https://t.co/uEvsGLOFHa a
666701168228331520 This is a golden Buckminsterfullerene named Johm. Drives trucks. Lumberjack (?). Enjoys wall. 8/10 would hug softly https://t.co/uQbZJM2DQB a
666407126856765440 This is a southern Vesuvius bumblegruff. Can drive a truck (wow). Made friends with 5 other nifty dogs (neat). 7/10 https://t.co/LopTBkKa8h a
666396247373291520 Oh goodness. A super rare northeast Qdoba kangaroo mix. Massive feet. No pouch (disappointing). Seems alert. 9/10 https://t.co/Dc7b0E8qFE a
666353288456101888 Here we have a mixed Asiago from the Galápagos Islands. Only one ear working. Big fan of marijuana carpet. 8/10 https://t.co/tltQ5w9aUO a
666345417576210432 Look at this jokester thinking seat belt laws don't apply to him. Great tongue tho 10/10 https://t.co/VFKG1vxGjB a
666287406224695296 This is an Albanian 3 1/2 legged Episcopalian. Loves well-polished hardwood flooring. Penis on the collar. 9/10 https://t.co/d9NcXFKwLv an
666273097616637952 Can take selfies 11/10 https://t.co/ws2AMaNwPW an
666102155909144576 Oh my. Here you are seeing an Adobe Setter giving birth to twins!!! The world is an amazing place. 11/10 https://t.co/11LvqN4WLq an
666099513787052032 Can stand on stump for what seems like a while. Built that birdhouse? Impressive. Made friends with a squirrel. 8/10 https://t.co/Ri4nMTLq5C an
666094000022159362 This appears to be a Mongolian Presbyterian mix. Very tired. Tongue slip confirmed. 9/10 would lie down with https://t.co/mnioXo3IfP an
666082916733198337 Here we have a well-established sunblockerspaniel. Lost his other flip-flop. 6/10 not very waterproof https://t.co/3RU6x0vHB7 an
666073100786774016 Let's hope this flight isn't Malaysian (lol). What a dog! Almost completely camouflaged. 10/10 I trust this pilot https://t.co/Yk6GHE9tOY an
666071193221509120 Here we have a northern speckled Rhododendron. Much sass. Gives 0 fucks. Good tongue. 9/10 would caress sensually https://t.co/ZoL8kq2XFx an
666063827256086533 This is the happiest dog you will ever see. Very committed owner. Nice couch. 10/10 https://t.co/RhUEAloehK the
666058600524156928 Here is the Rand Paul of retrievers folks! He's probably good at poker. Can drink beer (lol rad). 8/10 good dog https://t.co/pYAJkAe76p the
666055525042405380 Here is a Siberian heavily armored polar bear mix. Strong owner. 10/10 I would do unspeakable things to pet this dog https://t.co/rdivxLiqEt a
666050758794694657 This is a truly beautiful English Wilson Staff retriever. Has a nice phone. Privileged. 10/10 would trade lives with https://t.co/fvIbQfHjIe a
666049248165822465 Here we have a 1949 1st generation vulpix. Enjoys sweat tea and Fox News. Cannot be phased. 5/10 https://t.co/4B7cOc1EDq a
666044226329800704 This is a purebred Piers Morgan. Loves to Netflix and chill. Always looks like he forgot to unplug the iron. 6/10 https://t.co/DWnyCjf2mx a
666033412701032449 Here is a very happy pup. Big fan of well-maintained decks. Just look at that tongue. 9/10 would cuddle af https://t.co/y671yMhoiR a
666029285002620928 This is a western brown Mitsubishi terrier. Upset about leaf. Actually 2 dogs here. 7/10 would walk the shit out of https://t.co/r7mOb2m0UI a
666020888022790149 Here we have a Japanese Irish Setter. Lost eye in Vietnam (?). Big fan of relaxing on stair. 8/10 would pet https://t.co/BLDqew2Ijj a
In [1247]:
df_clean.loc[828650029636317184, ['name']] = 'Grace'
df_clean.loc[765395769549590528, ['name']] = 'Zoey'
df_clean.loc[675706639471788032, ['name']] = 'Wylie'
df_clean.loc[671743150407421952, ['name']] = 'Jacob'
df_clean.loc[671147085991960577, ['name']] = 'Rufus'
df_clean.loc[670303360680108032, ['name']] = 'Hemry'
df_clean.loc[669564461267722241, ['name']] = 'Alfredo'
df_clean.loc[668955713004314625, ['name']] = 'Leroi'
df_clean.loc[668636665813057536, ['name']] = 'Berta'
df_clean.loc[668507509523615744, ['name']] = 'Chuk'
df_clean.loc[668171859951755264, ['name']] = 'Alfonso'
df_clean.loc[667861340749471744, ['name']] = 'Cheryl'
df_clean.loc[667773195014021121, ['name']] = 'Jessiga'
df_clean.loc[667538891197542400, ['name']] = 'Klint'
df_clean.loc[667470559035432960, ['name']] = 'Kohl'
df_clean.loc[667177989038297088, ['name']] = 'Daryl'
df_clean.loc[666781792255496192, ['name']] = 'Octaviath'
df_clean.loc[666701168228331520, ['name']] = 'Johm'
In [1248]:
# finally, let's return to the remaining lowercase "names" that are still left and change them to none
a              40
the             8
an              8
one             4
just            2
officially      2
space           2
light           1
very            1
infuriating     1
Name: name, dtype: int64
In [1249]:
# not names to null
df_clean.name.replace('a', inplace=True)
df_clean.name.replace('the', inplace=True)
df_clean.name.replace('an', inplace=True)
df_clean.name.replace('one', inplace=True)
df_clean.name.replace('just', inplace=True)
df_clean.name.replace('officially', inplace=True)
df_clean.name.replace('space', inplace=True)
df_clean.name.replace('light', inplace=True)
df_clean.name.replace('very', inplace=True)
df_clean.name.replace('infuriating', inplace=True)

Test #11

In [1250]:
# no lowercase names remain 
Series([], Name: name, dtype: object)

Define #12

  • make all predicted breeds lowercase

Code #12

In [1251]:
df_clean.p1 = df_clean.p1.str.lower()
df_clean.p2 = df_clean.p2.str.lower()
df_clean.p3 = df_clean.p3.str.lower()

Test #12

In [1252]:
timestamp source text name jpg_url p1 p1_conf p2 p3 retweets likes dog_stage rating
751456908746354688 2016-07-08 16:44:23+00:00 <a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> Here's a pupper that's very hungry but too lazy to get up and eat. 12/10 (vid by @RealDavidCortes) https://t.co/lsVAMBq6ex Max https://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/751456786360725504/pu/img/hWqfIQ29A0cBv6f_.jpg golden_retriever 0.714409 afghan_hound chow 1127 3516 pupper 12.0/10.0
828381636999917570 2017-02-05 23:15:47+00:00 <a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> Meet Doobert. He's a deaf doggo. Didn't stop him on the field tho. Absolute legend today. 14/10 would pat head approvingly https://t.co/iCk7zstRA9 Doobert https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C38Asz1WEAAvzj3.jpg bedlington_terrier 0.392535 labrador_retriever clumber 2554 13864 doggo 14.0/10.0
822462944365645825 2017-01-20 15:17:01+00:00 <a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> This is Gabe. He was the unequivocal embodiment of a dream meme, but also one h*ck of a pupper. You will be missed by so many. 14/10 RIP https://t.co/M3hZGadUuO Gabe https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C2n5rUUXEAIXAtv.jpg pomeranian 0.960199 samoyed maltese_dog 17209 31800 pupper 14.0/10.0
706265994973601792 2016-03-05 23:51:49+00:00 <a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> This is Kara. She's been trying to solve that thing for 3 days. "I don't have thumbs," she said. 11/10 solid effort https://t.co/lA6a8GefrV Kara https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cc0pLU0WAAEfGEw.jpg papillon 0.743715 pekinese saint_bernard 1030 2979 None 11.0/10.0
702598099714314240 2016-02-24 20:56:55+00:00 <a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> This is Sansa. She's gotten too big for her chair. Not so smol anymore. 11/10 once a pupper, always a pupper https://t.co/IpAoztle2s Sansa https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CcAhPevW8AAoknv.jpg kelpie 0.219179 badger siamese_cat 3712 11332 pupper 11.0/10.0
793241302385262592 2016-11-01 00:00:38+00:00 <a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> This is Tucker. He's out here bustin h*ckin ghosts. 13/10 dedicated af https://t.co/Ap477GhwXt Tucker https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CwIougTWcAAMLyq.jpg golden_retriever 0.559308 labrador_retriever cocker_spaniel 3812 11780 None 13.0/10.0
759047813560868866 2016-07-29 15:27:55+00:00 <a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> This is Spencer. He's part of the Queen's Guard. Takes his job very seriously. 11/10 https://t.co/8W5iSOgXfx Spencer https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Coit84_VYAEMtLi.jpg labrador_retriever 0.778546 bathing_cap golden_retriever 2302 7227 None 11.0/10.0
In [1253]:
# we end up with 1454 cleaned rows
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 1454 entries, 892177421306343426 to 666020888022790149
Data columns (total 13 columns):
 #   Column     Non-Null Count  Dtype              
---  ------     --------------  -----              
 0   timestamp  1454 non-null   datetime64[ns, UTC]
 1   source     1454 non-null   object             
 2   text       1454 non-null   object             
 3   name       1454 non-null   object             
 4   jpg_url    1454 non-null   object             
 5   p1         1454 non-null   object             
 6   p1_conf    1454 non-null   float64            
 7   p2         1454 non-null   object             
 8   p3         1454 non-null   object             
 9   retweets   1454 non-null   int32              
 10  likes      1454 non-null   int32              
 11  dog_stage  1454 non-null   object             
 12  rating     1453 non-null   object             
dtypes: datetime64[ns, UTC](1), float64(1), int32(2), object(9)
memory usage: 187.7+ KB

The following data issues were corrected in the cleaning process:

  • tidiness: merging all files together, creating a dog stage column, creating a rating column
  • quality: deleting retweets, deleting tweets without an image, deleting tweets with an image not of a dog, cleaning dog stage column, cleaning rating columns, changing datatypes, deleting columns, cleaning name column, making all predicted breed names lowercase

Let's store the final cleaned data:

In [1254]:
df_clean.to_csv('twitter_archive_master.csv', index=False)

Analyze & Visualize

The stored twitter_archive_master file is the cleaned data which we will now use for the analysis.

In [1255]:
df = pd.read_csv('twitter_archive_master.csv')
In [1256]:
# we can see the expected positive correlation of number of retweets and likes

Insight #1

Favourite tweets are retweeted more often

In [1257]:
p1_conf retweets likes
count 1454.000000 1454.000000 1454.000000
mean 0.614113 2794.747593 9307.707015
std 0.261289 4790.947627 12655.167226
min 0.044333 16.000000 81.000000
25% 0.388533 653.250000 2198.500000
50% 0.615709 1440.500000 4481.500000
75% 0.855685 3264.000000 11864.000000
max 0.999956 79515.000000 132810.000000
In [1258]:
# likes and retweets scatter
g1 = sns.regplot(x = df.likes, y = df.retweets, color='blue', scatter_kws={'alpha':0.3})
g1.set(title = 'Correlation of likes and retweets')

g2 = sns.regplot(x = df.likes, y = df.retweets, fit_reg=False, color='blue', scatter_kws={'alpha':0.3})
g2.set(title = 'Correlation of likes and retweets', xlim=(0,15000), ylim=(0,4000))

g3 = sns.regplot(x = df.likes, y = df.retweets, fit_reg=False, color='blue', scatter_kws={'alpha':0.3})
g3.set(title = 'Correlation of likes and retweets', xlim=(0,6000), ylim=(0,2000))

In [1259]:

Insight #2

Some of the best predicted breeds are also the most commonly tweeted ones

In [1260]:
df_pred_breeds = pd.DataFrame(df.groupby('p1')['p1_conf'].mean().nlargest(15))
komondor 0.972531
clumber 0.946718
brittany_spaniel 0.874545
keeshond 0.844431
bull_mastiff 0.815618
bernese_mountain_dog 0.801816
french_bulldog 0.770627
pug 0.760587
samoyed 0.747088
pomeranian 0.743606
blenheim_spaniel 0.734041
german_short-haired_pointer 0.730793
doberman 0.724541
german_shepherd 0.724524
golden_retriever 0.724068
In [1261]:
breed_count = df.groupby('p1')['p1_conf'].count()
afghan_hound                        3
airedale                           12
american_staffordshire_terrier     13
appenzeller                         2
australian_terrier                  2
basenji                             7
basset                             13
beagle                             17
bedlington_terrier                  5
bernese_mountain_dog               10
black-and-tan_coonhound             2
blenheim_spaniel                    9
bloodhound                          7
bluetick                            4
border_collie                      12
border_terrier                      7
borzoi                              9
boston_bull                         9
boxer                              10
brabancon_griffon                   3
briard                              3
brittany_spaniel                    7
bull_mastiff                        5
cairn                               3
cardigan                           17
chesapeake_bay_retriever           22
chihuahua                          79
chow                               39
clumber                             1
cocker_spaniel                     27
collie                             10
curly-coated_retriever              3
dalmatian                           9
dandie_dinmont                      5
doberman                            8
english_setter                      7
english_springer                    9
entlebucher                         1
eskimo_dog                         18
flat-coated_retriever               8
french_bulldog                     26
german_shepherd                    19
german_short-haired_pointer         6
giant_schnauzer                     3
golden_retriever                  137
gordon_setter                       4
great_dane                          8
great_pyrenees                     13
greater_swiss_mountain_dog          3
groenendael                         1
ibizan_hound                        3
irish_setter                        4
irish_terrier                       5
irish_water_spaniel                 3
italian_greyhound                  16
japanese_spaniel                    1
keeshond                            4
kelpie                             11
komondor                            3
kuvasz                             16
labrador_retriever                 93
lakeland_terrier                   16
leonberg                            3
lhasa                               4
malamute                           29
malinois                            9
maltese_dog                        18
mexican_hairless                    4
miniature_pinscher                 22
miniature_poodle                    8
miniature_schnauzer                 4
newfoundland                        4
norfolk_terrier                     7
norwegian_elkhound                  7
norwich_terrier                     4
old_english_sheepdog               11
papillon                            7
pekinese                           13
pembroke                           86
pomeranian                         38
pug                                53
redbone                             6
rhodesian_ridgeback                 4
rottweiler                         17
saint_bernard                       6
saluki                              4
samoyed                            40
schipperke                          9
scotch_terrier                      1
scottish_deerhound                  3
shetland_sheepdog                  18
shih-tzu                           17
siberian_husky                     20
silky_terrier                       1
soft-coated_wheaten_terrier        10
staffordshire_bullterrier          19
standard_poodle                     7
standard_schnauzer                  1
sussex_spaniel                      2
tibetan_mastiff                     4
tibetan_terrier                     4
toy_poodle                         38
toy_terrier                         2
vizsla                             13
walker_hound                        5
weimaraner                          4
welsh_springer_spaniel              3
west_highland_white_terrier        14
whippet                             9
wire-haired_fox_terrier             2
yorkshire_terrier                   8
Name: p1_conf, dtype: int64
In [1262]:
# some of the breeds predicted with the highest probability have low counts among the tweets
df_pred_breeds['breed_count'] = breed_count
p1_conf breed_count
komondor 0.972531 3
clumber 0.946718 1
brittany_spaniel 0.874545 7
keeshond 0.844431 4
bull_mastiff 0.815618 5
bernese_mountain_dog 0.801816 10
french_bulldog 0.770627 26
pug 0.760587 53
samoyed 0.747088 40
pomeranian 0.743606 38
blenheim_spaniel 0.734041 9
german_short-haired_pointer 0.730793 6
doberman 0.724541 8
german_shepherd 0.724524 19
golden_retriever 0.724068 137
In [1263]:
In [1264]:
# top 15 best predicted breeds covers 25% of all tweets
df_pred_breeds.breed_count.sum() / len(df)
In [1265]:
# find what komondor, the breed predicted with the highest probability, looks like
df.query('p1 == "komondor"')['jpg_url']
78      https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DBg_HT9WAAEeIMM.jpg
384     https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cv3tU38WcAASFas.jpg
1352    https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CUd5gBGWwAA0IVA.jpg
Name: jpg_url, dtype: object
In [1266]:
# no wonder it is easy to recognize
from IPython.display import Image
In [1267]:
# now let's look at the most frequently predicted breeds
df_frequent_breeds = df.groupby('p1').count()['likes'].nlargest(15)
golden_retriever            137
labrador_retriever           93
pembroke                     86
chihuahua                    79
pug                          53
samoyed                      40
chow                         39
pomeranian                   38
toy_poodle                   38
malamute                     29
cocker_spaniel               27
french_bulldog               26
chesapeake_bay_retriever     22
miniature_pinscher           22
siberian_husky               20
Name: likes, dtype: int64
In [1268]:
# top 15 most frequently predicted breeds covers 51% of all tweets
df.groupby('p1').count()['likes'].nlargest(15).sum() / len(df)
In [1269]:
# 5 of these breeds are also predicted with high probability
df_breeds_intersect = pd.merge(df_frequent_breeds, df_pred_breeds, on='p1', how='inner')
Index(['golden_retriever', 'pug', 'samoyed', 'pomeranian', 'french_bulldog'], dtype='object', name='p1')
In [1270]:
# likes and retweets scatter by breeds which are both most frequently predicted and with the highest probability

# separate dfs for each breed
df_golden_retriever = df[df['p1'] == 'golden_retriever']
df_pug = df[df['p1'] == 'pug']
df_samoyed = df[df['p1'] == 'samoyed']
df_pomeranian = df[df['p1'] == 'pomeranian']
df_french_bulldog = df[df['p1'] == 'french_bulldog']

# legend
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
ret = mpatches.Patch(label='Golden retriever', color='blue')
pug = mpatches.Patch(label='Pug', color='green')
sam = mpatches.Patch(label='Samoyed', color='red')
pom = mpatches.Patch(label='Pomeranian', color='yellow')
bull = mpatches.Patch(label='French bulldog', color='black')

def reg_plot(x_lim, y_lim):
    g = sns.regplot(x = df_golden_retriever.likes, y = df_golden_retriever.retweets, color='blue', scatter_kws={'alpha':0.5, 's':80}, fit_reg=False)
    sns.regplot(x = df_pug.likes, y = df_pug.retweets, color='green', scatter_kws={'alpha':0.5, 's':80}, ax=g, fit_reg=False)
    sns.regplot(x = df_samoyed.likes, y = df_samoyed.retweets, color='red', scatter_kws={'alpha':0.5, 's':80}, ax=g, fit_reg=False)
    sns.regplot(x = df_pomeranian.likes, y = df_pomeranian.retweets, color='yellow', scatter_kws={'alpha':0.5, 's':80}, ax=g, fit_reg=False)
    sns.regplot(x = df_french_bulldog.likes, y = df_french_bulldog.retweets, color='black', scatter_kws={'alpha':0.5, 's':80}, ax=g, fit_reg=False)
    g.set(title = 'Correlation of likes and retweets', xlim=(0,x_lim), ylim=(0,y_lim))
    plt.legend(handles=[ret, pug, sam, pom, bull])
    return g

reg_plot(120000, 35000)

reg_plot(15000, 4000)

reg_plot(6000, 2000)


Insight #3

In [1271]:
In [1272]:
# all ways below get the same result
# df['likes'].groupby(df['dog_stage']).mean()
# df.groupby('dog_stage').mean()['likes']
# df[['likes', 'dog_stage']].groupby(df['dog_stage']).mean() ... this one creates a dataframe instead of a series 
None        8729.488581
doggo      19478.000000
floofer    13701.375000
pupper      8048.430556
puppo      23585.000000
Name: likes, dtype: float64
In [1273]:
sns.barplot(x = df.dog_stage, y = df.likes, order = ['puppo', 'doggo', 'floofer', 'pupper'], color = 'blue', errwidth = 0)
plt.axhline(8729, color='black')
non = mpatches.Patch(label='No stage mentioned', color='black')
cover = mpatches.Patch(label='Covers 16% of all tweets', color='blue')
plt.legend(handles=[non, cover])
plt.xlabel('Dog stage')
plt.ylabel('Average likes per tweet')
plt.title('Tweets popularity by dog stage')
In [1274]:
# there are not many tweets with identified dog stage
None       1226
doggo        56
floofer       8
pupper      144
puppo        20
Name: likes, dtype: int64
In [1275]:
# shares
shares = df.groupby('dog_stage').agg({'dog_stage': 'count'})
shares.apply(lambda x: x / len(df))
None 0.843191
doggo 0.038514
floofer 0.005502
pupper 0.099037
puppo 0.013755
In [1276]:
# only 16% of tweets have a dog stagementioned in them
1 - shares.loc['None'].apply(lambda x: x / len(df))
dog_stage    0.156809
Name: None, dtype: float64
In [1277]:
# check the high likes numbers
df.query('dog_stage == "puppo"').head(5)
timestamp source text name jpg_url p1 p1_conf p2 p3 retweets likes dog_stage rating
10 2017-07-25 01:55:32+00:00 <a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> Here's a puppo that seems to be on the fence about something haha no but seriously someone help her. 13/10 https://t.co/BxvuXk0UCm Bruno https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DFi579UWsAAatzw.jpg pembroke 0.966327 cardigan basenji 8538 38818 puppo 13.0/10.0
12 2017-07-24 17:02:04+00:00 <a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> This is Stuart. He's sporting his favorite fanny pack. Secretly filled with bones only. 13/10 puppared puppo #BarkWeek https://t.co/y70o6h3isq Stuart https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DFg_2PVW0AEHN3p.jpg golden_retriever 0.953442 labrador_retriever redbone 2321 15359 puppo 13.0/10.0
52 2017-06-25 00:45:22+00:00 <a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> This is Snoopy. He's a proud #PrideMonthPuppo. Impeccable handwriting for not having thumbs. 13/10 would love back #PrideMonth https://t.co/lNZwgNO4gS Snoopy https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DDIKMXzW0AEibje.jpg italian_greyhound 0.734684 whippet ibizan_hound 4319 19763 puppo 13.0/10.0
68 2017-06-11 21:18:31+00:00 <a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> This is Sebastian. He can't see all the colors of the rainbow, but he can see that this flag makes his human happy. 13/10 #PrideMonth puppo https://t.co/XBE0evJZ6V Sebastian https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DCEeLxjXsAAvNSM.jpg cardigan 0.806674 pembroke kelpie 11007 35501 puppo 13.0/10.0
91 2017-05-24 16:44:18+00:00 <a href="http://twitter.com/download/iphone" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a> This is Shikha. She just watched you drop a skittle on the ground and still eat it. Could not be less impressed. 12/10 superior puppo https://t.co/XZlZKd73go Shikha https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DAmyy8FXYAIH8Ty.jpg eskimo_dog 0.616457 siberian_husky malamute 2697 16755 puppo 12.0/10.0

Insight #4

In [1278]:
# ratings by popularity
12.0/10.0    377
10.0/10.0    313
11.0/10.0    301
13.0/10.0    215
9.0/10.0     103
8.0/10.0      56
7.0/10.0      23
14.0/10.0     22
6.0/10.0      12
5.0/10.0       9
Name: likes, dtype: int64
In [1279]:
df.groupby('rating').count()['likes'].nlargest(4).sum() / len(df)
In [1280]:
df.groupby('rating').count()['likes'].nlargest(10).sum() / len(df)
In [1281]:

g = sns.barplot(x = ['12/10', '10/10', '11/10', '13/10'], \
            y = df.groupby('rating').count()['likes'].nlargest(4), color = 'blue');
g.set(title = 'Top 4 most popular ratings', xlabel = 'Rating', ylabel = 'Number of tweets')
cover = mpatches.Patch(label='Covers 83% of all tweets', color='blue')

g = sns.barplot(x = ['12/10', '10/10', '11/10', '13/10', '9/10', '8/10', '7/10', '14/10', '6/10', '5/10'], \
            y = df.groupby('rating').count()['likes'].nlargest(10), color = 'blue');
g.set(title = 'Top 10 most popular ratings', xlabel = 'Rating', ylabel = 'Number of tweets')
cover = mpatches.Patch(label='Covers 98% of all tweets', color='blue')


Insight #5

However, dog names are very diverse

In [1282]:
# names by popularity
Walter     23
Daisy      16
Cooper     14
Sadie      14
Charlie    11
Lucy       11
Oliver     11
Koda       10
Penny      10
Bella       9
Name: likes, dtype: int64
In [1283]:
# top 10 names cover only 9% of tweets
df.groupby('name').count()['likes'].nlargest(10).sum() / len(df)
In [1284]:
# because dog names are very diverse
In [1285]:
g = sns.barplot(x = ['Walter', 'Daisy', 'Cooper', 'Sadie', 'Charlie', 'Lucy', 'Oliver', 'Koda', 'Penny', 'Bella'], \
            y = df.groupby('name').count()['likes'].nlargest(10), color = 'blue')

g.set(title = 'Top 10 most popular dog names', xlabel = 'Dog name', ylabel = 'Number of tweets')
cover = mpatches.Patch(label='Covers 9% of all tweets', color='blue')
